Think X-Men training center a la Hunger Games where they teach you to work in unity by pitting yourselves against each other.

Naïve as I was, I hadn’t been too worried at first. I went through so much shit in my young life, surely this posh school would be a piece of cake compared to living in the streets.

Boy, was I wrong.

Integrating the Guild had been an eye-opening experience. They introduced me to my instructors on my first day, and that is when my veritable nightmare began.

I was smaller and had less training than the other initiates. Because of this, I was bullied, hazed, and tortured. I went to bed every night with bruises and injuries.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Jacob Hayes, my team leader, took one look at me and hated me on sight.

He kicked my ass whenever he could, while everyone looked on. People knew his reaction to me wasn’t normal, but no one cared enough to intervene on my behalf.

The only thing that got me through all of it was him, Eric.

Egghead: Are you alone?

Before I left, Gabriel had given me a tiny smart phone I smuggled in and kept hidden like it was the apple of my eye. The thing was untraceable and emitted a low, undetectable frequency. During the darkest time, it also gave me a lifeline.

Jelly Fish: Yeah.

Egghead: Where are we going today?

We began this game to give me a reprieve from the nightmare that was my life.

On my first night here, Moose asked me what my room was like and when I described it to him in stark details, he told me I was blind.

Jelly Fish: What do you mean?

Egghead: Look carefully. We can see the Ocean from your mega-sized room.

Jelly Fish: No, you can’t.

Egghead: You will if you close your eyes. Look, you can even see the fin of the whale.

Jelly Fish: How would you know this?

Egghead: Because I’m right beside you.

Yeah, I melted too, but over my dead body would he know this.

Jelly Fish: You’re right. Oh, look, the whale has a baby. He’s so cute.

Egghead: Please, the thing is the size of a rhino. Did you see his penis? No wonder the ocean is so salty.

I’d covered my mouth to keep in my giggles, and for one moment, I was transported to another place. One where I was happy and safe.

Over time, our games became a necessity, like air or water.

Jelly Fish: Today, we’re visiting Rome.

Egghead: Ooh, l love pizza.

Jelly Fish: You know they have other stuff there too, like the Coliseum and the basilica of Saint-Peters.

Egghead: Hey, we all have priorities. You like old buildings, I like food.

Jelly Fish: Well, I won’t go with you to that pizzeria if you won’t visit the Trévi Fountain with me.