Egghead: It’s a fountain, it has water.

Jelly Fish: Do you want your pizza or not?

Egghead: Fine, you win. What can you tell me about this place? What’s the first thing you want to visit?

I visualized the Sistine chapel in my head and launched into a detailed explanation of Michelangelo’s work of art as if we were there.

Egghead: *emoji of a sleepy face*.

Jelly Fish: If you don’t stop pouting, I’ll ask Gabe to go visit the coliseum with me.

Egghead: Please, your threats mean nothing to me. You would challenge him to a chess match, and we would then have to watch the two of you stare at each other for hours before someone made a move. *Double emoji of a sleepy face*.

Jelly Fish: Chess is supposed to be strategic.

Egghead: *Triple emoji of a sleepy face*. You would be bored in five minutes. Just like I’m bored watching water coming out of a pipe.

I couldn’t help it, I giggled and groaned when I bumped my left eye trying to get comfortable.

Egghead: How did your firearm testing go?

Jelly Fish: Very well. Shooting is a lot like math. Once you understand how it works, it’s easy. You simply have to triangulate the area to get an excellent shot. I hit my mark with my second try and all the other ones after that. Even Hayes had nothing to add.

Not at the shooting range, anyhow. He had a lot to say outside of it, however, ergo, my black eye.

Egghead: I’ll take your word for it. I wouldn’t know, I’m just a dumb ole jock.

Don’t mind him. Eric liked to pretend he was less intelligent than us, but he really wasn’t. Part of that was because of his difficult relationship with his father.

Jelly Fish: Did something happen with your dad?

Egghead: Yeah, a scout came to see us the other day, and I forgot to tell him.

I know my egghead. He hadn’t forgotten, but neither would he have wanted his father to be there to influence the person’s mind.

Jelly Fish: I would imagine that didn’t go well.

Egghead: No, it didn’t. The man asked if my dad was there. I’m telling you, it wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t fawn over the old man.

It’s embarrassing as fuck to be there while they go on and on about his football accomplishments, only to be asked, “what about you, son?”

Jelly Fish: How did your dad react when he found out?

Egghead: I got into a fight with him. He lost it and began calling me names. My mom then got involved, and it got worse after that. As if he has room to say anything to me.

Jelly Fish: What do you mean? Did something else happen?

Egghead: I think my dad is having an affair.

Jelly Fish: Nooooo… really? But your mom is so great. Do you know who it is?

Egghead: His secretary. I don’t know if I should tell my mom.

Jelly Fish: Are you sure? Do you have any proof?

Egghead: No. The man is being slick about it.

Jelly Fish: I’m sorry.