The young women looked at me with different emotions, ranging from worry to horror. The only person who remained calm during all of it was Romana.

“I’ve seen something similar on the latest episode ofPassion. There was this cult, and they made all the women sleep with the leader.”

“Now is not the time, Ames,” the Latina hushed the ditzy blond before asking, “What can we do?”

“Rom, you can’t be serious. If what she’s saying is true, these men are dangerous. It was bad enough when you threaten to call the manager on the perv outside.” This from Blond number one.

“You did?” I asked, surprised.


“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I need to get out of here and disappear. Could one of you change clothes with me?”

“No, that’s too dangerous. What if he hurts one of us?” Blond number one piped up immediately, making my shoulders droop in defeat.

“I’m sorry. You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking coming to you with this, I should go.”

“Wait,” Romana said as I was about to take my leave. The young woman looked at me pensively before staring at her friends. “I know how we can get you out of here. Have you girls ever seen The Thomas Crown Affair?”

“Yes,” her friend answered.

“Do you remember the scene of the Son of Man?”

“Of course, it was my favorite scene,” the girl on the left declared while I looked at her with a blank stare.

“I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. My parents didn’t have a television,” I told them apologetically.

“In the movie, Pierce Brosnan plays a thief who steals a Monet painting worth over a hundred million dollars. What Romy is referring to is the final reveal, where Thomas Crown dresses as Magritte’spainting to fool the police.”

“Ah, OK.” Still no clue.

“Girls, this is what we’re going to do,” Romana said as she clapped her hands and rubbed them against each other.


Captain Edward Sorenson stared at his rifleman while he continued to bitch about their assignment.

“I didn’t think the Guild recruited people anymore. Don’t they have enough initiates as is? What’s so special about this kid, anyway?”

“It isn’t our place to question the commander. We have our orders,” Sorenson told him impatiently.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait till we’re done. My girl told me she has a surprise waiting for me at home, so I just want to drop the kid off to Hayes and be done with it.”

“Do you remember your initiation? Mine was so traumatic, I still have the scars to prove it.”

“I’m going to go pay our bill,” the captain stated as he stood up and left. He was more than fed up with the bellyaching. Felix could whine and complain for hours, but made one hell of a marksman.

Sorenson stood up and walked down the corridor just as a young woman and her friend pulled their hoodie over their hair and a pair of glasses over their eyes before entering the lady’s bathroom.

Some part of his brain noted their presence but thought nothing of it. By the time seven more girls did the same, he was too far away. Nor was he there to notice the group of girls sitting on the far end of the room, all pulling their hoodie over their head.

He did, however, notice the sorority girls strolling randomly around the restaurant when he came back. He stared while all of them walked back to their tables, picked up their things, and exited the joint.

It wasn’t until Warren came back running that he knew something was wrong.

“She’s gone.”

“What do you mean, she’s gone?”

“She escaped.”

“Shit, the sorority.”

The four men ran after the girls and pulled on a dozen hoodies, but it was too late.

While they were busy chasing after their tails, their prisoner exited the main entrance. She got into a cute little Mini Cooper and hid, while her new friends drove off the restaurant parking lot like their tails were on fire.