Chapter 11

Sarah, 13 years old

San Diego, California

“Idon’t know how to repay you for this,” I whispered to the beautiful dark-haired girl next to me as we patiently sat in front of the café, waiting for it to open.

I was dead tired and had enormous circles under my eyes, but couldn’t let myself relax.

Last night had been insane. After we pulled out of the restaurant, Romana drove everyone back to San Diego like a Malachi demon was after us, while her friends cried hysterically in the back seat.

I was about to gag the silly girls when they ran out of juice and crashed, leaving me alone with their leader.

Romy asked me who those men were at the restaurant, and I told her everything because she had a right to know what was going on, even though it might put her in danger.

“You don’t owe us anything. Anyone would have done what we did,” she answered.

I looked at her two friends skeptically before saying, “That’s where you’re wrong. Few people would have gotten involved.”

“Well, then, people suck. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I’d just left you there,” she added as she stared at me worriedly. “I still think we should go to the police.”

“I can’t. The man behind this warned me they control them.”

“And you think he’s telling the truth?”

“I know he is.”

“If that’s the case, Sarah, you have to come with us. We can hide you. It doesn’t feel right to leave you here.”

“I can’t do that. It would put all of you in danger. Think about your sisters.”

Romy bit her lip anxiously. She was clearly conflicted about the entire thing, which told me a lot about the type of person she was.

“Are you sure you’re going to be all right?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“If you’re not, come find me at UC Berkeley. Look for the Theta Theta Theta House and ask for Romana Navarro.” Her words made me tear up. No one had ever shown me such kindness before.

“I’m also giving you my number. Call me anytime, day or night.” The young woman bent down to hug me, and not knowing what else to do, I awkwardly responded by patting her back before getting out of the car.

“If you ever need help, my life is yours,” I declared through the open window.

“That’s a really strange way of saying thank you, but I’ll take it. Be safe, Sarah,” Romy smiled.

“I will.”

I waved at her as she drove off, before turning around and entering the small café.

Once inside, my eyes roamed over the small space, and I took in the clock on the wall. The hacker was late.

He said I’d recognize him right away, but nothing stood out so far, so I sat down and waited.

Approximately five minutes later, the emblem on a guy’s t-shirt caught my attention. I watched as he came in and ordered a cappuccino.

“Hawk?” I murmured softly as he paid for his coffee and was about to depart. He must not have heard me, however, because the door closed after him, making me jump from my chair.

“Sorry,” I apologized to the female I bumped into before going around her and chasing after the man.