Aside from wanting your parents back, which sadly isn’t something I can give you, there are three things you want in this world.”

“And what is that?” I inquired when he paused.

“You want to make sure the people they placed you with never hurt another child again. You also want the person who killed your parents to get what he deserves.”

“And the third?”

“You want to be reunited with your baby sister. Fortunately, I know something you don’t.”

“What is that?”

“I have the address of the home they placed her in.” I lost my bravado at his announcement.

“You’re lying. I hacked in the CPS database and her trail disappeared into nothingness.”

“That’s because a delightful couple in La Jolla took her out of the system. They adopted her and changed her name.”

“No.” My lower lip trembled. I can’t lose my sister. I just can’t. She was the only person I had left.

“I can give you her address if that’s what you want.”

“How do you know all of this?” Who the hell was this scary man?

“My employer is a powerful organization. Getting an address is child’s play to us, and we would gladly reunite you with your sister.”

“In exchange for what?” I inquired, making him smile.

“Your unconditional loyalty.”

“I don’t understand.”

“We would like to recruit you.”

“Recruit me? I didn’t know the US government employed children. Don’t you need to be eighteen to enlist in the army?”

“They don’t, and you’re right, there is an age limit. But then again, we’re not the army.”

“What other branch of the military are you, then?”

“We’re not in the military.”

“Then why did that man call you a commander?”

“Hum, good catch. You will know the answer to that question in due time. For now, we have other things to talk about, like how you’re going to join me and my employer.”

“I never said I would.” I handed him the picture of my family and left it on his desk when he refused to take it.

“You’re wrong about me. You have nothing I want, and even if you did, I wouldn’t take them.”


“Yes, really.”

“Even if it means seeing your parents’ killer go free?”

“You don’t control that. It’s in the hands of the police.”

“And who do you think controls the police?”