“No one does.”

“Right.” Commander Moore lost his affable smile, and the cold man he really was emerged for the first time.

“You must forgive me, Ms.Murdoch. In my desire to speed things along, I miscalculated.

I thought I could reason with you like an adult. But your outburst right now has just made me realize you’re nothing but a naïve child. So, I will treat you like one.”

He turned his computer screen toward me to show me a live feed of a beautiful couple lovingly holding my sister.

“I don’t lie, Ms.Murdoch. When I tell you, I can make all your dreams come true, I’m deadly serious. The thing about power is you can choose to give something to someone, but you can also take it away.”

I jumped from my seat when a red dot appeared on my sister’s forehead. I’d seen enough movies and video games to know what it was.

“STOP. Stop, I’ll do whatever you want. Please!” I screamed as I pleaded for him to spare her life. “Please don’t hurt her. I’ll do anything.”

“Glad you’re seeing things my way. You can let go, now,” the commander ordered, and the red dot disappeared from Audrey’s forehead.

The minute it did, my trembling knees gave out, and I fell onto the floor. Oh, my God, that was so horrible.

“Shonda, please send in Team Leader One,” he said on the intercom and gave me a smile as we waited for the scary man of before to come back in.


“Yes, Edward. Please take Ms.Murdoch to the Academy. She will be joining the training camp.”

“Of course, Sire.” The bodyguard hauled me off my feet while I stared at the commander behind the desk with hatred.

“Don’t look so glum. Your life is about to change. You should enjoy it.”

Because, of course, that was what I was thinking about. Enjoying this and not killing the man in front of me.

“Welcome to the Network, Miss. Murdoch.”