“I was wondering if you were going to show. Does this mean you’re no longer mad at me?” I whispered and smiled tremulously.

“Oh, no. I’m plenty mad. But you’re my friend, and I had to make sure you were all right.”

“Thank you,” I answered while my shoulder shook, and I desperately held back my tears. My sweet friend softly stroked my hair and hugged me.

“Why are you guys whispering?” Tee asked suspiciously.

“To make sure your big ears don’t hear,” I answered.

“Huh, huh. You never told us how you got injured, Birdie.”

“She fell.” This from Asheron.

You had to admire how the General just stared my friend straight in the eye and lied through his teeth. Clearly, he and Lizzie did not have the same qualms when it came to keeping things from others.

The only problem was, it was complete bullshit, and my friends weren’t morons.

Sass frowned in irritation and piped in, “Are we April Fools today? Because it sure as hell feels like it, with all the lies being thrown around.”

My shoulder drooped in defeat because I knew it was time to pay the piper.

“Asheron, Eric, can I have a moment with my friends, please?” I asked, making my husband tense.

When it looked like the two were about to argue, I grabbed his arm and shook my head.

“We’re going to be outside. Yell, if you need anything.”

“Thank you.”

Sass narrowed her eyes at Birdie, who stared at the floor and then at me.

“What’s going on? What are you not telling us?”

“Why do you think she’s hiding something from us?” Tee inquired as she watched everyone uncomfortably.

“Because I know Birdie. If she knew one of us was hurt, she would have been the first one on a plane, crazy ass husband or not. Instead, she docked my calls for days.” Saskia turned toward me before continuing, “This means you did something, and it’s bad. I want to know what it is.”

“She did nothing. Come on, Sass. You need to calm down, you’re being paranoid. Maybe Lizzie was just busy.”

That’s my girl for you. If I was on trial for murder, she’d go to her death defending me, even when all the evidence pointed in my direction. But I couldn’t let her go down for this. I wasn’t worth it.

“I’m not who you think I am.”

“What do you mean?” The two of them asked while Elizabeth remained silent.

“Everything you know about me is a lie. I used to belong to a powerful secret organization.”

“Is this a joke, Mousy? Because if it is, I’m not laughing,” Sass snarled.

“It’s not.”

“A secret organization?” Tee inquired with confusion.


“And it’s not governmental?”

“No. This organization made me do things. Things I had no control over.”