Chapter 30


Undisclosed Location

Ididn’t hear the commotion at first because I was going in and out of consciousness.

My body was not happy with me. I was burning up with fever, my side was killing me, and I felt so goddamn weak, a kitten could have taken me out of commission.

The guards brought me to the infirmary, where Diego’s mother patched me up. The pain had been terrible when she sewed my wound with no anesthetic. And although I would have liked nothing more than to pass out from the pain, a nagging feeling kept pushing me toward consciousness.

You’re in danger. Wake up, Sarah. Hurry!

A horrible sense of urgency pushed away the darkness in my head. I woke up to the sight of a stranger standing over me as she was about to inject my IV with something.

“What are you doing? Who are you?” I asked and grabbed her wrist.

“Eu sou o vosso médico. Isto é medicina.” I’m your doctor. This is medicine.

“Try again. Who the hell are you? Where is Diego’s mother?”

The woman lost her frightened expression, “Ele prometeu-me a minha liberdade se eu te matar.”

I didn’t understand a word she said, but it didn’t matter. We struggled, and thankfully the woman wasn’t stronger because I was on the last leg of my second wind.

I got the upper hand, and the needle shattered when it fell to the floor. Any doubt I had that this evil bitch was up to no good, disappeared when the content of the needle bubbled and ate away at the floor the minute it oxidized.

I heard a shout in the background and a young frail woman rammed into the two of us, making me fall off the bed and almost pass out from the pain.

“Está bem, senhora?” Diego’s small voice inquired as his mother whaled on the woman sent to kill me.

“Diego? You have to get me out of here.” He tried to pull me up, but I screamed.

“Yes, come.Mãe, vamos embora,” Mom, come on, let’s go.

The woman ignored him and continued to punch the unconscious nurse, so the boy screamed to get her attention.

“Mãe, temos de sair!” Mom, we have to leave!

The two of them perched on both sides of me to help me walk.

My head and my eyesight were groggy. Every time I blinked out, it took me longer to regain consciousness. I was so weak, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it.

But the two wouldn’t let me quit. They jostled me out of there as fast as they could.

We’d walked exactly ten meters when we came face-to-face with armed men holding semi-automatic.


The blood loss must have gotten to me, because for one second there, I could have sworn the man was our Enforcer, Calum Scott.

When a person flashed a light in my eyes, I swatted them away.

“Leave me alone.”

“Ostanovite, It’s all right, Lieutenant. You’re safe.” I frowned when I stared into black, fathomless eyes.

Asheron? Why would he be here?