“Yes, the Captain took her to the chopper.”

“Is she all right?”

“I don’t know, Sire. Her attacker split open her wound.”

“What attacker?”

Derek brought me up to speed as we ran to our rendezvous point, only to halt when the front line screamed, “INCOMING!”

We immediately jumped out of the way, and a second later, the walls exploded.

I coughed and patted the plaster from my body. My ears were ringing from the rocket launcher, while a full-out war broke around me.

“Are you still alive, asshole?” a voice screamed from far away, making me frown.


“Yeah, mind pitching in and giving us a hand? I know you’re on vacation and all, but I’d like to get back to my adoring wife if you don’t mind, preferably in one piece.”

Did I mention I hate my brother-in-law?