“Because I’m your only way off this cursed island.”

“And how do I know you’re telling the truth? Maybe you’re lying to me.”

“You don’t and I’m not. But what are your other options?” The woman stared at me silently for half a second before she chuckled. “Come on, big guy, I’m just playing with you.”

This woman is fucking insane, and I was going to wring her neck the minute we got off this island.

“You want to lower your weapon?” I asked.

“You first, Winslow.” Yeah, not going to happen. Sarah may have trusted her, but I didn’t. We stood in a Mexican standoff until she relented.

“Thanks.” I nodded toward the guard.

“You’re welcome. Glad you’re all right, Winslow.”

“You know you almost got yourself killed not two seconds ago.”

“Yeah, but what’s life without spice?” I shook my head, bewildered

“I need to find Sarah.”


“My wife, Orion. Where is she?”

“Last I saw, she was in the infirmary.”

“I need to get to her.”

“Follow me.”

We ran toward the infirmary in search of Sarah, only for me to panic when I saw an empty bed and a dead nurse lying on the floor.

“Where is she?”

“I don’t know. Maybe she ran after the explosion.”

“She couldn’t have. Not with the severity of her wound.”

“Maybe… DOWN!” Surinam shouted before she opened fire at whoever was behind me.

“HALT,” a voice with a familiar Australian accent called out. “Drop your weapon or I will shoot.”

Surinam opened fire on Slims in response, and I had to tackle her to the ground before she killed my right-hand man.

“Surinam, STOP!” I screamed.

“What? Why?”

“Because we’re the good guys, you fucking idiot,” Slims aggravated tone shouted out from the other side of the room.

I palmed the weapon away from her before she emptied her bullets into the tall blond, and slowly left our hideout.

The minute they saw me, my men did the same.

“Commander, Glad to see you’re breathing.”

“Thank you, Derek. Have you seen my wife?”