As fun as this trip down memory lane is, I have things to do, so get to the point.

“Is the SOS legit?”

I don’t know. When was the last time you heard from her?

“It’s been years. You?”

Same. Have you tried retracing the message?

“Yeah, and it sent me nowhere. The location is hidden behind too many proxies. It would take me years to figure out which server is the real one.”

Not if we work together.

“I’d rather die than work with you.”

Look, asshole. This isn’t my idea of fun, either. But Suri wouldn’t have sent her message through this channel if she wasn’t in deep shit. We’re going to have to work together if we want to get her out of it,I furiously signed.

“Fine, but in no way does this make us square.”

Ditto, motherfucker.

It took us two days to retrace the system to a small Portuguese island near Mozambique. Once we pinged their location, we broke into their firewalls, only to find another message left for us by my former friend.

G. O. W. S. CLL. G.E.M.

“Shit. Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

Yeah. But that can’t be right. Why the hell would she be with Orion?

“I don’t know. What is G.E.M?”

I have no clue. Do a triangular search with the names G.E.M and Orion.

I see him type out something on his keyboard. “I can’t find anything. What’s Orion’s name? The one she used when she was with the Guild?”

I think it was Sarah.

“Sarah, what?”

I don’t know. I never called her by her given name. Do the search again with the name Sarah.

“I’m already on it. Still nothing.”

If Orion is mixed up in this, you need to go deeper. Search the deep and the dark web to see if you can find anything.

“Nothing. How the hell is this possible?”

Let me call you back.

“What are you going to do?”

I need to check something.

I headed to a room on the third floor of my home and keyed in my code before firing off the multimillion quantum computer in the secured room. I then accessed the Marianas Web with the help of the Polymeric Falcighol Derivation, only to swear when I finally found what I was looking for.

What the fuck did you get involved in, Suri? I pulled out my phone and called the Cajun.

“Do you have any news?”