Chapter 27


San Francisco, California


The message appeared out of nowhere on a platform I no longer used. It was written in a code I never thought I’d see again, but recognized right away.

What I didn’t understand was why Suri was sending it now. And to me, of all people.

After we escaped the Guild, I had a major fallout with Cajun and Surinam.

The three of us had been living together on the fringes of society when a random gesture made me see my best friend in a new light.

Before that, the two of us had been pals, and if I were to be honest, she hadn’t even registered as a girl in my brain. So, imagine my shock when I realized that not only was she a girl, she was a damn beautiful one at that.

I fell for her hard and wasn’t prepared for the fallouts when I knocked on her door, naively thinking I was going to tell her how I felt, only to catch her and the Cajun in bed together.

The betrayal I experienced as I stumbled away from them had been horrible. I’d been so sure she felt the same way.

Things went to the can quickly after that. Suri tried to stop me, and I attacked her, only to get rammed into a wall by the Cajun for my efforts.

She tried to keep the three of us together after that, but the harm was done. I left, changed my identity, and never looked back.

I grew taller, put on muscles, and had some surgery done to hide in plain sight.

I also turned my hacking skills into a career by becoming the highest-paid consultant for IT companies around the world. My company made billions last year, testing the security system of Fortune500 companies.

This blast from the past was not welcomed.

My phone rang, and I rejected the call when I didn’t recognize the number. Before I could put it down, however, I got a text telling me to pick up my damn phone.

I knew who it was going to be without seeing his face and accepted the video chat request.

“Did you get the message?”

Yeah. What’s going on?I signed.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”

How the hell would I know? I haven’t heard from either of you in years. Isn’t she your girlfriend?

“She turned her back on me like I was yesterday’s news after your meltdown, you little bitch.”


“Shut up, you lying sack of shit!”

I lied?

“You told her I was playing her.”

You were.

“I LOVED her, you piece of filth. But you couldn’t handle that she chose me over you. You had to play the pity card because if you couldn’t have her, no one could.”

I was done with this fucker.