“Is that all you care about?”

“No, of course not.”

“Because if you must know, I emptied my trust fund to pay people to get Elise back.”

“Why did you do that? The FBI would have…”

“They would have done nothing!” I screamed. “And you’re either too stupid or too blind to see it.”

Losing my cool was going to bring us nowhere, so I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

“I know about your other woman.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The man gave me a shrewd look. He was wondering if this was a bluff to get him to talk or if I actually knew something.

“Yeah, you do. I know Cherise is not just your secretary. So does Elle. Odds are Momma knows too.”

“My marriage and what goes on in it is none of your business. You need to butt out of something that doesn’t concern you.”

“I really don’t give a shit about your marriage, as long as it doesn’t affect me or Elise. But I draw the line at you disappearing to be with your secretary when your family needs you, you piece of filth.”

“You’re one to talk. What are you doing if not abandoning us?” Was he seriously pulling the guilt card to get me to behave?

“I’m warning you, dad. Do what’s right. For once in your selfish life, step up and be a partner to your wife. Be a father to your daughter, because she fucking needs you right now.”


“Or I will go to every media outlet out there to let them know that the great legendary Eric Winslow Sr is a deadbeat dad who abandoned his family after his daughter was kidnapped. Let’s see how forgiving the public is after that. I will do one interview after another until NO ONE wants to hire you.”

I saw his overhand before it came, and evaded it at the last possible second, only to drop him with one punch in the stomach.

“This was for cheating on my mom. If I come back and discover you didn’t hold your end of the bargain, we will have more than a word. Understood?”

My father nodded, and I never looked back as I left his office.