Chapter 21

Eric, 22 years old

Seville, Spain

Four years later

“You about to head out, Captain?”

I turned toward Oliver Statham’s voice. The 6′6″ blond Australian stood before me dressed in civilian clothes, waiting for my answer.

To be clear, I wasn’t a captain yet. One day, I will be, but not yet. I was the officer in charge of my unit, and Slims liked to yank my chains.

He thought I needed to relax my grip on that stick up my ass (his words, not mine).

Despite his colorful image, Slims had a point. I did grow into a man overnight. I had to.

My road here hadn’t been easy, but it was completely worth the sacrifices I made. Because of me, and people like me, this world was a safer place.

The Navy SEAL was the big bad our government sent into impossible situations. Whether it involved capturing terrorists, secret extractions, or covert incursions on enemy soil, we were your men.

We were trained to fight in any type of environments and possessed an array of skills that made us extremely deadly. I wouldn’t recommend you pick a fight with any of us.


“Yeah, I’m off to Mérida to see a friend.”

“That’s a long drive, captain. I hope she’s beautiful.”

She was a HE.

Winthrop asked me to drop by the small Spanish town to assess a potential recruit for the securities firm he wanted to put in place.

We had little time off on a special op like this one, and recruiting someone on my day off wasn’t exactly my idea of fun. But what are you going to do? It was easier to go than say no to the fucker.

Although I was completely dedicated to the mission of taking down the Guild, Gabe took his commitment to another level.

He invested every single minute he had to it, whether it be through his football career or the numerous investments he made with the money he got. He also coordinated everything to make sure we were on track.

“What about you? Where are you off to?”

“I’m going to see my girl,” Oli answered.

“She’s in Spain?” I asked with a frown.

“Yes, I’m meeting her in Carmona.”

“As long as you keep her from me, we’re all good,” I told him.

Slims had the worst taste in women. He attracted the jealous type like a magnet, and I had no clue why he put up with it.

With our line of work, it was easy to get worked up over nothing. Why would you choose a partner who’s going to go off on you every time you’re deployed?

This last one was the worst of them all. The last time I saw her, she made a scene when he came out for drinks with us and smashed the windows of his truck. Let’s just say I’d like to avoid a repeat of this.

“Got it. You know she feels bad about the incident.”

“I’m sure she does.”