The team leader’s stomach growl broke the awkward silence and made the waitress chuckle.

“I see someone is hungry. Well, you’re in the right place. We have an all you can eat special going on right now that is to die for.”

“Thank you, and yes, we’re five.” The man gave in despite his best judgment, making his men sigh in relief.

“Of course, follow me.”

She guided us to a large corner table, where my jailers made sure I did nothing stupid, like, oh I don’t know, make a run for the door, by sitting me in between two guards.

When the waitress handed me a menu, someone took it from me to make sure I didn’t pass her a note.

I don’t know how they thought I could do that, considering I left my imaginary pen at home, but what are you going to do.

“Where are you gentlemen headed to? I didn’t think anybody else was awake in this part of the wood,” the server inquired.

“Is it always this busy?” the leader asked as he pointed at a large group of sorority girls wearing identical hoodies on the far east of the room.

“Not usually, no. But it’s frosh week, so they’ve been coming in and out all night,” the woman replied. “Would you like to hear the specials?”

“Yes, thank you.” What do you know, even dangerous child kidnappers had manners.

My eyes took in the two exit signs as they followeda sorority girl with a short skirt walking around the restaurant, and going from one table to another.

Because of this, I didn’t pay attention to what the adults were saying and didn’t realize the waitress was talking to me until it was too late.

“I’m sorry. What was your question?”

“I was asking why you were up this late. Aren’t you tired?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you,” I answered and pretended like everything was normal.

“If you don’t mind, we have a long drive ahead and would like to order,” the leader interjected.

“Yes, of course, I apologize. What will it be?”

It took the restaurant half an hour to bring the food, which I forced myself to eat in silence until there was nothing left.

As we were about to leave, however, I spoke up. “I need to use the bathroom.”


“Look, I either go now, or do it in the car, and we drive for seven hours, gagging over the smell of poop.”

The men winced in disgust at the vivid image, and the captain caved. “Warren, you’re with her. Make sure there aren’t any windows in the bathroom.”

“Yes, Captain.”

The guard walked me to the restroom and took a quick peek inside to make sure I couldn’t escape.

“Be quick. I will wait for you over there,” he ordered, as I entered the lavatory.

A couple of minutes later, a trio of young woman did the same, while chatting among themselves.

“What was that all about?” the dark-blond girl asked.

“I don’t know,” the only brunette in the group replied.

“What a weirdo,” Blond number two added. “The creep tried to hit on me when he came inside.”