Chapter 10
Sarah, 13 years old
San Diego, California
My captors and I drove in a black SUV for almost an hour in the middle of the night before the driver pulled into the parking lot of a 24-hour restaurant.
“What are you doing?”
“Pulling up.”
“I can see that. Why?” the leader asked.
“We need gas. We’re almost out,” the driver answered.
“Can we grab some grub while we’re at it, captain? I’m famished,” the man on my right inquired.
“The commander ordered us to get the kid to the camp.”
“Come on, Captain. Don’t tell me you’re not hungry.”
“That’s beside the point.”
“Yeah, it is. We have another seven hours of driving ahead of us. What’s the harm in arriving at the camp an hour later?” the man beside me whined.
“I wouldn’t mind stretching my legs either, Captain,” another voice piped in.
“Yeah, me neither.”
“Fine, you all have one hour. After that, we drive straight to Sedona.”
“Thanks, Captain.”
“Don’t thank me yet, asshole. You’re on shit duty. The girl stays with you at all times. If something happens to her, I’m holding you responsible.”
“No problem, sir.” Everyone got out of the vehicle and headed toward the restaurant.
I was about to do the same thing when my babysitter blocked my exit and discreetly pulled out a wicked looking knife.
“I don’t want you to make trouble in any way, understood? Don’t make me slice your throat,” he softly whispered, and I nodded stiffly.
When we walked into the jam-packed restaurant, a delicious aroma of pancakes and bacon assaulted our senses. It made my mouth water in hunger despite the dire situation.
“I don’t like this. We need to go somewhere else,” the captain said as College kids ran around everywhere.
“The next restaurant is twenty miles away, Cap.”
“I don’t care.”
“They’re just a bunch of harmless kids, Captain. What harm can they do,” another man spoke before looking at a sorority girl passing us by. “Let me rephrase that, she can hurt me anytime. Come to Papa, honey.”
The young female gave the man a disgusted look before walking to her table.
Just as the captain was about to order everyone to the car, an old woman joined our group.
“Hello, gentlemen, welcome to Lorraine’s House of Pancakes. Will it be a table for five?”
The men waited with bated breath for their boss to decide if they stayed or not. You could clearly see the hope in their eyes as they took in the food, however.