Another punch, followed by a kick. The crowd roared their approval.
Kick, kick, punch.
When Cerberus’ fist connected, Eric doubled over, making the crowd winced in sympathy.
Instead of finishing the match as he should’ve, however, the dumbass pranced around the arena like he was a wrestler on television.
Eric grabbed the man by the neck and viciously punched him in the abdomen before he was tossed backward for his efforts.
Cerberus tried to walk away the pain, but couldn’t. So, he became mean and called me a whore while he tried to smash my man’s face. Eric growled as he attacked the big lummox.
Great, just great.
“Awwwww, are the feelings of the poor little baby hurt?”
My man kneed the giant in the face, making everyone flinch.
Ten seconds later, the irritating woman across the room opened her big mouth again.
“Maybe we should give him another incentive because he obviously doesn’t care enough about you to defend your honor, Orion. What do you think? Should we bring his mother here? Or better yet, does he have a sweet baby sister?”
Yeah, she just went there. You remember Elise, right? The nice girl who’s harmed no one in her entire life?
“What is the matter, Nam? Did you just realize you’re going to have to suck another diseased dick if this one loses?”
I flew back when the woman jumped over the table and barreled into me. One fist to my face and another to her solar plexus later, the two of us were violently separated.
“Mãe de Deus. Que diabo se passa com estas mulheres?” Mother of God. What the hell is wrong with these women?
“Não sei.” I don’t know.
“Atire-os para dentro da carrinha.” Throw them into the van.
“Está louco? Ouviu o que o tenente Hayes disse. E se eles se matarem uns aos outros?” Are you crazy? You heard what lieutenant Hayes said. What if they kill each other?
“Tem mais alguma ideia brilhante? Ou talvez prefira ir perguntar-lhe enquanto ele está na sua cabine? Não? Então faz o que te digo, foda-se” Do you have any other bright ideas? Or maybe you would prefer to go ask him while he’s in his booth. No? Then do as I fucking say.
They dragged the two of us away, kicking and screaming, to the van. By the time they threw us inside, the men were swearing like sailors and none too gentle.
I immediately took a defensive position. So did she.This wasn’t the first time we sparred. I sincerely doubt it would be the last.
The woman and I had a long stare-off before she cracked up and laughed while I shook my head in annoyance.
“I see you still attract trouble like a magnet, Orion.”
“You’re one to talk, bitch. What’s with the throat slashing?”
“You didn’t like the added effect?”
“It made you look like a bad actress in a d-rated movie.”
“Oh, shut up.” The two of us hugged like the long-lost friend we were.
“It’s good to see you, Suri. What the hell are you doing here? I thought you got away from all this shit.”
“I did. But I was careless and got caught.”