“It was my father’s men.”

“With his approval, I’m assuming?”

“We don’t have confirmation, but I’d bet my trust fund he knew what was going on.”

“When did you learn this? Does Sarah and Mace know?”

Because if my girl has been keeping this from me, she and I will have the mother of a fight.

“No, they don’t. I just found out myself.”

“How?” I asked. Instead of answering me, Gabe sat down on a chair in the corner of the room, all cool and detached.

This made me instantly wary because that pose is his go-to when he wants something, and I did NOT want to be the fool who stood between Winthrop and the object of his desire.

“Have you seen the news lately?”

“No, I’ve been busy.”

“You haven’t heard about the FBI raid that went down right about the time your sister was saved, then?”

“No, what happened?” I asked, trying to act innocent because, yeah, I watched the news like everyone else. There was only so much sudoku you could play while watching your sister lie there without losing your mind.

“The men were all gunned down.”

Good. I hope they suffered until their last breath.


“And your acting skills need a brush-up, asshole. Now, spill.”

“Why would you think I know anything?”

He looked at me like I was an idiot.

“Fine. But you first. How did you get the information about your father’s men?”

My momma didn’t raise a dumb fool. I wasn’t about to give Winthrop what he wanted, only to get shortchanged.

“The people behind the ring panicked after the raid went down. Rumors began circulating that they’re moving their operations out of San Diego to another city. The chatter went up the vine and into my father’s ears. Your turn.”

“I paid Lizzie’s bodyguard five million to save Elise.”

“Which one?”

“The Russian.” Gabriel froze at my answer.

“What?” I asked.

“Interesting. You know who he is, right?”

“How could I when you don’t tell me anything?”

“Aslanov is a Russian Elite. Or an ex-Elite would be more precise. He emancipated from his family a couple of years ago for reasons unknown. I wonder why he would involve himself in this?”

“The money?”

“Please, he’s the son of the European general. Their wealth makes my family look like we’re little orphan Annie,” Gabe scoffed, making me blink. “What did he say, exactly?”