“That he knew people who could help. Friends of his. Why?”
“Because I’m wondering if General Aslanov knows about his son’s excursion with the American Guild.” Gabe distractedly crossed his leg over the other and tapped his lips with his finger. “This could be the opportunity we’ve been looking for.”
As I silently watched the EKG machine attached to my sister, a resolution took form inside of me and grew with every heartbeat, only to cement into an ironclad resolve.
“I got my results for the PTS.”
“And? Did you get in?”
“Yes. First in my class.”
“Congratulations! You’re one step closer to fucking up your future. When are you leaving for Illinois?”
“They’re expecting me in a month. I wanted to make sure my sister was all right before I left.”
“What about school?”
“I’ve spoken with Mayflower. With everything going on, she’s agreed to let me finish my education virtually. I also got an exemption for the gala.”
“Are you sure about this, Moose?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“Because you won’t be able to change your mind once you go down this path.”
I may be a lot of things, but flaky, is not it. Just look at the girl I chose. How many boys do you know would have stuck around this long?
“If our roles were reversed and Mace was the one lying on that bed, would you be asking me that?”
“If my brother was in the hospital because someone sent him there, you’d be drowning in that person’s blood.”
Believe it or not, that was a totally normal reaction from the asshat. Gabe could be intense when it came to people he cared about.
“When are you telling your dad you enlisted in the Navy?”
“Oh? Is he finally coming back home?”
“No, I’m going to him and bringing him here.”
“He won’t be happy.”
“That’s just too damn bad, isn’t it? Can you watch over her while I go to Sacramento?”
“Of course, you didn’t even have to ask, my brother.”
“Thanks, Man. I’d better hurry. My flight leaves in less than an hour.”
“Go, I’ll be here.”
I opened the door and came face-to-face with a pissed off Jelly Fish.
“When were you going to tell me?” she yelled, uncaring that dozens of people could hear us. I grabbed her arm and guided her toward the first empty room I could find.
“How much did you hear?”