I’d done this very few times with Savvie, keeping it for the occasions where she really pissed me off—like on our wedding night when she’d tried to cancel the ceremony because Ma was throwing her weight around.

My wife was a grade A brat and I loved that about her, but where our safety was concerned, I had to act.

"No!" she yelped when she saw the rope.

Jesus Christ, what her position did to her tits sent bolts of lust arrowing through me.


"Aidan, just come back to bed. Please," she pleaded.

"Did you or did you not try to stop me from going out on business by fucking me?"

Savvie sniffled. "Maybe."

"Bullshit. Tell me the truth, Savannah."

Something about my tone had her turning her face to the side. "I don’t want you to get hurt."

"If you distract me, if you try to disrupt business, people will see that as inattention to detail and they’ll try to exploit that and Iwillget hurt."

"No!" she cried out, which clued me into just how distraught my wife was. Because she was smart, too fucking smart for my own good. If she didn’t see that, if logic failed her, then I knew her grief and exhaustion were overwhelming her.

"Yes," I said inexorably. "I’m going to do this to teach you a lesson, little one—"

"You don’t need to!"

"Yes, I do," I retorted, my tone softer. "Because, in all honesty, sweetheart, I don’t trust you to keep your beautiful ass in this bed. I don’t fucking trust you not to try to follow me.

"Do you know what’ll happen if you do that? You’ll get yourself killed, and I’mnotabout to let that happen."

She started weeping, which was further proof she wasnotherself, and I leaned over her, hands on either side of her raised arms, and I pressed my lips to hers.

As she sighed into my kiss, I pulled back, saw her tears had dried, and I rasped, "When I get back, I will fuck you and I’ll make you come so hard you see stars, but until then, I want you to think about what you did.

"I want you to think about how I need you to listen to me, Savannah, and I want you to think about how you should have discussed this fear of yours with me before it got to this point."

"I need the bathroom," she said with a pout.

That pout told me she was lying.

"Do you really?"

Minutes ticked away, and I knew it was another way of her getting me to stay here, to steer me clear of whatever danger had me heading out, but I let it pass.

Eventually, I was rewarded with a garbled, "Maybe."


She heard the warning. "No, I don’t! Okay?"

"You’re such a fucking brat, and God damn me for a fool because I love that about you, but this is something you need to resolve yourself to. Do you understand me?"

"I understand," she said sulkily.

Pulling back, pissed at the situation, pissed at having to leave, pissed because my dick made steel look soft, I grabbed the hemp rope and made short work of knots that required more time than I had.

Still, every line that I settled against her flesh, I anointed with a kiss, and as I looped bindings around her ankles that connected them to her upper thighs so she was in a kind of lotus position with her pussy bared to me, I stared down at her and rumbled, "So fucking beautiful, little one."