Her silence, followed by a sniffle, keyed me into her game immediately.
I pulled away and, ignoring her moan, snapped, "You do not control me through sex, Savannah."
That was one way to get us killed.
I could deal with many things—her being a brat, her trying to lead me around by the dick, her trying to get information out of me by asking me questions she shouldn’t during pillow talk—but this was another matter entirely.
This was her fucking safety.
Ourfucking safety.
And I could just see it now.
Me heading out of the building with her tailing me.
Fuck, this was another Deirdre situation all over again.
Only, Savvie wouldn’t follow me because she thought I was cheating, but because she was infinitely curious about goddamn everythingandbecause she was concerned for me.
The danger she would put herself in had me reacting blindly.
I reached over to the bedside table where I knew there was at least one of my neckties—
I struck gold.
Cold metal.
I grabbed the handcuffs.
Before she even knew what I was doing, her panic clear as she tried to curl her legs around my hips to draw me back down to her so I wouldn’t leave, her pelvis rocking so that my dick collided with the sinful paradise she housed between her fucking thighs, I slotted one of the restraints around her wrist, looped it onto one of the rails on the headboard, then grabbed her other hand and cuffed her to the bed.
"Aidan?!" she shrieked when she registered what I’d done.
"Lights on," I commanded to the control center in the room, blinking when they illuminated the space, revealing every inch of her to me.
My dick was aching like a fucker when I pulled back, so close to heaven without getting to enter its gates, and the sight of her tied to the bed wasn’t helping.
I knew she wanted sex because her cunt had been wet as fuck, but I wasn’t about to let her get away with using it to distract me from the shit I had to do.
My wife’s trouble was that, to me, she was exquisite. Porcelain skin, arched brows that framed her features. Amber-brown eyes that saw far too much and were topped by thick lashes. Mahogany silk bobbed around her shoulders, shielding a stubborn jaw that housed lips that were a dusky pink I wanted to lick and which were made for blowjobs. Her nose was dainty with a thin bridge, her cheeks like sharp ice picks that made her face heart-shaped.
She was the face that’d launch a thousand ships—my Helen of Troy.
"You want a guaranteed way of getting me killed, you pull stunts like this. Distractions are dangerous. For the next couple years, I have to be hot shit to make sure that no one scents any weakness from my camp, do you understand?"
Her cheeks glowed with heat and those mahogany eyes sparked with temper. "I don’t deserve to be punished. I haven’t done anything wrong!"
"You’re trying to stop me from going out."
Need whittled away at my control as I processed the show she was providing as she tried to get loose, those luscious curves of hers making my cock ache all the more, but there was no getting free. Those weren’t novelty cuffs, but the real deal because she’d broken through the last couple pairs I’d bought.
Not wanting to test my knee by sustaining my kneeling position, I swung off the bed then delved into the nightstand again.
I didnothave time for this, but Grainne and MacMurray could goddamn wait.
I had a lesson to teach.
Uncaring that Brennan would also be cooling his heels for me, I grabbed the hemp rope and the cutter I kept there.