Occam’s Razor never let me fucking down.

That didn’t mean the confirmation sat right with me. Not because I doubted my eyes, but because Jonesy had been around longer than I fucking had.

How could he betray us like this?

How the fuck could he have done this?

I needed to get my brothers involved, I knew that, but I had nothing concrete.

You didn’t arm a nuke without setting a location for said nuke to land.

I shifted the GPS tracker onto my phone so I could watch out for Jonesy’s end destination. As he drove through Mid Island, then crossed the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge into fucking Brooklyn, my heart sank lower and lower.

When he continued onto the I-278 E, rage replaced dread.

The second he hit the Belt Parkway, I knew where he was heading—fucking Bratva territory.

Brighton Beach.

Because I had the worst luck, that was when my other computer notified me that the search on the crypto transactions I’d been tracing was complete.

Attention split because I could be thrown out of the exchange at any given moment, I didn’t text my brothers as had been my intention. I triggered a group call instead so that I could work and talk at the same time.

"Conor?" Finn grumbled around a yawn.

Eoghan sniped, "What’s going on?"

My fingers clacked against the keys as I raced to withdraw as much information as I could from the site while Declan groused, "Some of us have a baby and appreciate all the Zs we can get."

"Shut up," Brennan snapped. "Conor wouldn’t have called us unless there’s a problem. Why isn’t Aidan in the group call, Kid?"

I had no idea why, but his use of their stupid nickname for me helped me breathe.

I inhaled noisily and released it just as fiercely, but the blast of oxygen helped clear my head.

"Because Jonesy fucking kidnapped him," I rasped. With the clock running down on me, I tried to explain as clearly as I could, "Got a call from Lucas saying his vehicle was found abandoned at an intersection in Jersey—"

"Jersey? What the fuck was Junior doing in Jersey? Is that why he wasn’t at Ma’s today?" Eoghan questioned.

"Savannah went to speak with the Sinners. He was going after her. Look, this isn’t what matters. Their car was T-boned and they weren’t at the scene—"

"Jonesy wouldn’t fucking dare kidnap Aidan," Brennan growled.

"Aidan’s been kidnapped?" I heard Camille shriek in the background, but I couldn’t deal with her emotions on top of the fuck ton of tabs I had open in my brain.

Shutting her out, I cast a glance at the download bar as I pulled out every ounce of data I could from the exchange and rasped, "Jonesy’s tracker says otherwise, Brennan. And he’s heading into Bratva territory as we fucking speak."

"Those pieces of shit—"

"Fucking bastards."

As they spoke over each other, a quick look at the GPS tracker revealed that the vehicle had finally veered off the parkway and was heading into the city—that was when I accepted I had to make my retreat from the crypto exchange.

With only seventy-five percent of the information I’d hoped to attain.

Dammit to hell.

Shoving that disappointment aside, I wheeled over to the main computer where Jonesy’s tracker was running and I had a more detailed map at my disposal.