"You know of any place in Brighton Beach where they could take him and lie low?" I asked them.

"There are a couple warehouses near the wastewater treatment plant," Declan grated out.

"Is he driving past Sheepshead Bay?" Brennan demanded.

Though he couldn’t see me, I nodded.

"Words, Kid, words," Finn rasped, as if he knew where my head was at.

I swallowed, inhaled. "Yeah, he’s slowing down—" I used my satellite access to try and pin down any photos I could find of him.

"How are you tracking him?"

"Gave him and the rest of Da’s detail a gift," I told Eoghan absentmindedly.

"What kind of gift?" was his suspicious reply.

"Knicks keychains."

"They were bugged?"


Finn grunted. "Those assholes deserve to get their nuts nailed to the ground. Who the fuck’d think you were giving them gifts?"

"I think I should be offended. I give great gifts."

"Now’s not the time for this argument," Brennan groused.

"Because I wasn’t at the warehouse," I admitted, "I think they think I don’t agree with Aidan."

Silence fell at my words, until, "Is that true?"


I snorted.

"No. I wasn’t there because I had bigger fish to fry."

"Like what?" Declan asked warily.

"My woman."

"You want to fry her?" Eoghan mocked.

"Not the time," Brennan snapped out the warning, and while I didn’t need him to defend me, I appreciated him cutting me some slack.

Rustling sounded that made me realize Finn was getting dressed as he queried, "How did you give them keychains and they didn’t suspect you?"

"Fuck, let it go, Finn. Let’s be grateful they did—"

"Brennan, this could be a goddamn trap!"

He had a point.

"It could be, but I don’t think so. I got them made up special."

Declan mumbled, "You did?"