"I don’t understand," Lucas mumbled.

"You don’t have to. Mickey, Jamie, Connolly—anyone there have a friendship with MacMurray? To Jonesy?" He went quiet, letting me know that he was thinking, so I told him, "I’m calling Rex, the Sinners’ Prez, to get him to let you on his compound. Stay on the phone."


The engine shifted gear and I could hear the sound of a dirt track as I pulled up another line.


I didn’t blame Rex for being pissed, not considering the time of night when he had a newborn daughter to care for.

"This is Conor O’Donnelly, Rex. One of my men is heading for your compound with my brother’s SUV—"

"What? Why?"

"I need you to let him park the vehicle there," I continued as if he hadn’t interrupted. "It’s been involved in a crash."

"A crash? Aidan Jr. crashed his car?"

I could have lied.

I could have.

I didn’t like sharing Five Points’ weaknesses—even with an ally—but Star considered the Sinners family.

If I expected her to have faith in me, in my people, then I had to have faith in her people too.

"He and his wife have been kidnapped." I stunned myself with how clinical my voice sounded, but panic had no place here. Not when I fully intended for Aidan and Savannah to be home before the night was over. "I’m going to need that information to stay between us."

"Understood," was Rex’s cool retort. "You need any help?"

"No." I paused. "Maybe. I think we have it covered. I just need you to shelter the vehicle so the cops don’t come sniffing around."

"I can hear a car racing up the road. That’s one of your guys?"

"It’s Aidan’s captain—Lucas. If you could give him a ride back to his SUV, I’d appreciate it. It’s at the Clinton Avenue and Union Street intersection."

"Fine. His brother still sick?"

"Apparently. I just called an ambulance for him."

A hum sounded in my ear. "I’ll get the Prospect to open the gates." He paused a second. "Call me in if you need back up."

"Star trusts you," I rasped, aware that this was the first time the pitch of my voice changed.

"You can too."

"I hope so," I rumbled. "Thank you for your help. The favor will be extended in turn."

"Appreciate that."

He cut the call first, allowing me to say to Lucas, "The gates will be opening and you can park the car there. They’ll take you to your vehicle. Get your ass back to Manhattan ASAP and if I don’t send you a new address before then, head for my building. Don’t forget that goddamn laptop."

I didn’t wait for a reply, just ended our conversation before I watched the little red dot that was Jonesy’s car.

With some breathing room now the SUV was off the road and out of the line of sight of the authorities, I pulled up the location history on Jonesy’s tracker.

His vehicle had come to a stop at the Clinton Avenue and Union Street intersection where the collision had occurred.