I heard the rattle of cuffs against the railing, and I winced.

I wasn't sure if Aidan would ever be able to tie me to the damn bed again, not without making me think of Cassie.

"You're not a burden. Please, don't say that."

"Of course I am. You haven't heard from me in years, Savannah. Years. But I call you out of the blue to ask for your help?" The tears in her voice broke me. "I'm just as awful as Harvey says I am."

"You're not! Maybe if you'd known my number before, you'd have called me sooner."

"He isolated me, Savannah. I don't talk to my mom anymore, I barely have any friends left, and he slept with my sister..." She sniffled. "I should have left him then, but I was too scared to go."

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. We'll get you away from him. I promise."

Another rattle of the cuffs against the bed echoed in my ears.

I sucked in a breath. "I live with my husband, Cassie."

"I know. I read about your marriage to Aidan O'Donnelly. I thought it was funny."

"You did? Why?" I asked dryly.

"Because you always had such a lady boner for the old mob families. It was fitting that you ended up with him." Her laughter was tear-soaked. "Wouldn't it be hilarious if he was less dangerous than my husband?"

"He is, honey. Aidan would never hurt a woman."

"Why don't I believe that?"

"It's the truth. Now, your husband, sure. He'll hurt the fuck out of him. Especially if I ask him to."

"No. I just want to get away. Please, please, Savannah. Don't get him involved. I don't want any trouble." She sucked in such a swathe of air that it was a surprise she didn’t choke on it. "Savannah, there’s someone at the door."

My cell rang.

"There's someone on the other line."

"Please, don't leave me alone!" Cassie pleaded.

"Two minutes, let me call you on the landline." As I dialed her number from my cell, I connected with the unknown number a moment later.

In one ear, I heard Cassie panting through her fear and I told her, "I'm back. I'm here. You don't have to be scared."

Then, in the other, I heard Giulia demand, "We're here, Savannah. What's going on?"

"You'll have to break down the door, Giulia. She's cuffed to the bed. Her name's Cassie. She's terrified."

A grimness overcame the other woman's tone. "We'll deal with this. Don't you worry."

A second later, in both ears, I heard a door being kicked in. Cassie started sobbing while Giulia ground out, "Well done, baby."

Stomping footsteps came next, and then there was a whispered, "Are you Nyx?"

"I am, and you're safe now. I promise."

Giulia chimed in, "You have no reason to worry, honey. Nyx will keep the motherfucker who hurt you away."

"They mean it, Cassie," I told her, trying to affirm that she was in safe hands.

It was frustrating hearing everything secondhand, but I was just grateful Nyx and Giulia had managed to get to her so quickly.