
"Conor, I need someone to go to this address."

After I recounted it, he pointed out, "That's the address of the chick you had me investigate."

"Yes, it is. She's scared for her life, Conor. I'm on my way but I don't know if I'll get there in time."

"Savannah, don't you dare leave the apartment. Not unless you want to give Aidan a coronary. Stay put, I'll have someone bring her to you."

"She's scared, Conor. Hell, she thinks she’s going to die."

"I'll get one of the Sinners to take their woman along. Okay?"

"Fine. But hurry!!"

"I will. Stay on the line."

It was weird being the piggy in the middle of two conversations, but Cassie's weeping made it so much worse.

I heard Conor on the other line, demanding, "Rex, I need a favor."

As he detailed what was happening, I could tell that there wasn't a problem on the MC's end in helping out.

Her sobs broke me and I rasped, "Cassie, help’s coming, honey. Just bear with me."

A couple minutes later, the address shared, Conor reappeared in my ear, saying, "Nyx and Giulia live near her. They're en route."

I grimaced, wishing it'd been Lily and Link who lived nearby, but beggars couldn't be choosers. I’d just have to warn Cassie that both her saviors might look like they were hell-sent, not heaven.

"Thanks so much, Conor."

"You're welcome. Let me know when she arrives."


"So we can deal with her husband and get her into a safe house. Rachel Laker, she's the MC's attorney—"

"She's the Sicilian’s lawyer as well."

"Jen has a big mouth."

"Mine isn't small."

"Don’t I know it. Anyway, Rachel will help. She takes on cases like thispro bono."

"Okay, I'll let Cassie know. But she might not want to press charges." From her terror of before, I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t.

"Let's see if we can change her mind. I fucking hate these bastards who think they can treat women like their punching bags." He growled under his breath. "Call me."

When dead air sounded in my ear, I said to Cassie, "Honey, two of my friends are on their way. I need you to be prepared for the sight of them."


"Well, one of them is a biker, and he's a pretty big guy. His wife will be with him. She's got a more corrosive tongue than sulfuric acid, but I promise you her heart is in the right place. His name’s Nyx and she’s Giulia.

"They're going to get you out of there and bring you to me, okay?"

"I don't want to be a burden."