
Lodestar:**Why not?**

aCooooig:**Fair point. LOL.**

Lodestar:**Fair is what I do. Okay... how about this: I’ll tell you a secret if you tell me what this guy did to cause trouble with your family.**

aCooooig:**What kind of secret?**

Lodestar:**My real name.**

aCooooig:**No way.**

Unease filled me.

aCooooig:**You could lie.**

Lodestar:**I’ll send you a copy of my driver’s license.**

aCooooig:**You take me for a fool? That will be a fake too.**

Lodestar:**Hmm, true. Okay, how do I convince you of my real ID.**

aCooooig:**You were in the Army.**

Lodestar:**You want personnel records?**


Lodestar:**This had better be worth it.**

aCooooig:**Sadly, it is.**

Lodestar:**Which email?**

When she listed five of my email addresses, I had to shake my head at the power move.

aCooooig:**Yeah, yeah. I get it. You know my emails.**

Lodestar:**:P Just a reminder not to dick me around.**

aCooooig:**The first one.**

Lodestar:**Okay. Sent.**

I quickly switched screens to my internet browser, logged onto that particular email, and found one waiting in my inbox.

Nerves hit me, which was a ridiculous reaction, but I’d been talking with her for a while now. Anonymity, even if it was relative with someone like her, was something that we all shielded.

Even the Lemonheads had come for ‘aCooooig.’ That was thanks to my penthouse being held in a trust so no one knew who owned it. Otherwise, she’d have had my real name too.

For all that, she was the only one who’d ever breached my code.Ever. I had to respect her for that if nothing else.

When I opened the email, my brows rose. She’d blacked out the picture, but her records were there. At least, some of them. She’d censored other parts as well, leaving me with the information she wanted me to know.

Star Sullivan.

What interested me the most?