Who her daddy was.

Brows high as I recognized the name, a dash of excitement overtook the muted white noise in my ears for a second as I replied: aCooooig:**Your father was Gerard Sullivan?**

Lodestar:**He was.**

aCooooig:**Guess that explains why you moved around a lot.**


aCooooig:**Christ. Well, I’m impressed.**

Lodestar:**Don’t be. He wasn’t the best man, but he was a brilliant dad.**

It took a hell of a lot to put stars inmyeyes, but dayum. Gerard Sullivan? Excuse me while I fangirled.

aCooooig:**Lol. Candid as always.**

Lodestar:**Yep. Worst day of my life was when he died, and after what I’ve been through on my tours of duty, that’s really saying something.**

aCooooig:**I’ll bet. Mom ‘unknown?’**

Lodestar: **I’m a miracle birth.”

aCooooig: **LMAO. You’re certainly something.**

Lodestar: **Just because you don’t know her name doesn’t mean she’s unknown.**

aCooooig: **I know. I was only teasing.**

Lodestar:**Come on then, tell me the truth.**

She made it sound so easy.

aCooooig:**I’ve never told anyone this before.**

Lodestar:**If you haven’t, then how did it cause your family any trouble?**

aCooooig:**Because my brother caught us.**

Lodestar:**Your brother caught you doing what?**

aCooooig:**I wasn’t doing anything.**

Lodestar:**Hmm. You’re still being cryptic. So,it was being done to you?**


Lodestar:**Bad things?**

aCooooig:**The worst.**

Lodestar:**How old were you?**


Lodestar:**Christ, aCooooig.**

Conor:**Call me Conor, Star.**