“I’m outta here,”I tell my Prez after a few beers and a couple of smokes, a vice I had to give up when I went to prison.

“See you tomorrow. You take your pops with you when you check in, yeah?” Rage states, talking about my appointment tomorrow with my probation officer. That’s the shit part. I got a reduced sentence, but having to check in monthly, keeping a steady job, and letting them know when you go outta town fuckin’ blows. Though, I already know if I’m needed on a run, ain’t no way I’ll be tellin’ anyone.

“That’s the plan, then I’ll come back and start to work in the shop?” I ask. One good thing about prison is that they offered schooling, seeing as I was one of their pillars of good citizens inside. No damn clue how that happened, and had they known half the shit that went down while I was in there, let’s just say I’d still be inside, for life. I came out with a certification in automotive even though I knew a lot from being around the club and brothers; it just helped me further my skill set as well as receive a certification in collision repair.

“Yep, got a shit ton of work that needs to be done. Glad to have you home, boy.” Rage’s hand is out as he’s standing up. Once my hand is in his, shaking it, he’s pulling me into a one-armed hug.

“Fuck, it feels good.” My eyes move to the girl who is scurrying away. Dad’s eyes narrow on me.

“Bet it does. Don’t be stupid, though. Need you home. Plenty of work you can do around here. Make sure the dust settles and the past doesn’t try to screw you and you don’t screw with it, not yet at least.” Fucked up as it is, had it gone my way, that little cunt cake would be buried alive. His windpipe would be the least of his worries; he’d be gasping for air as I watched him take his last breath.

“Message received.” We part ways. I grab my pack of smokes and my beer that’s half empty, choosing not to drink the hard shit. It’s been too long, and no way am I willing to make an ass out of myself. Maybe later in the week when I don’t have anything else hanging around my neck. Tonight isn’t that night, though.

“Son.” I no sooner start to walk towards the cooler to grab a fresh beer when my Dad calls me over.

“What’s up?” Dad’s hand goes to my shoulder. We’re eye to eye these days. There was a time Ma thought I’d never stop growing, almost taking over Dad in height. Whereas Dad is leaner, I’ve stacked on the weight. That still doesn’t mean I’m stupid enough to take him.

“See where your eyes are. Not stupid. I’m a man myself, but if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ to pass the time, she ain’t it. Plus, kinda hard to go after a girl you claim you want nothing to do with.” Dad smirks, knowing exactly what he’s doing with that bit of information.

“Later.” I don’t say anything else. I veer away, going to the cooler, shaking hands, nodding at a few brothers, hugging Ma again, because if I leave and don’t do that, I’ll never hear the end of it.

“You going home, baby boy?” Ma asks.

“Yeah, thinkin’ I’m not a baby boy anymore, though.” I’m head and shoulders taller than her with a shit ton of more weight.

“Whatever. You’ll always be my baby boy, and Sedona will always be my baby girl, so get over it.” The heaviness that was surrounding her a few days ago has seemed to ease.

“See you in the mornin’, Ma. Got an early appointment. Be good to take a shower and get some sleep.” I don’t tell her that for five years, I’ve been watching over my shoulder to shower, piss, shit, eat, or, fuck, even walk around. The last thing she needs is more worry, but I’ll be glad to get home, have a real mattress beneath my body and hot water that’s not limited to five minutes.

“I’ll make breakfast.” She pats my cheek, and we part ways. I finally get the fresh beer I’m after, and then I’m walking towards the tree-lined path heading after the girl who’s the reason why I’m just now breathing fresh, clean air. Fuck, she’s got me all messed up in the head, wanting to wring her neck on one hand while also ready to see what she has to say for herself.

A whisp of fabric is all I see. She’s a few hundred yards ahead of me, pissing me off at the same. Because my own family got in the damn way, it’d have been better to finally get a glimpse of the girl who’s wreaked so much havoc, yet I’m the dumb fuck who had no problem sticking his head on the line to make sure the stupid fuck who attempted to hurt her didn’t go after her again. It seems I’m a glutton for punishment in that respect because once I make it to the clearing where my parents’ house is, I see the kitchen light click on. My steps stop, and I watch through the window as the doe-eyed girl sits by herself, the plate in front of her, a drink to her side. She’s not on her phone, no book or magazine in sight, just Gigi sitting without anyone, like this shit is normal for her. It makes me feel like a fuckin’ cunt that I’m part of the reason she felt the need to be alone. That doesn’t stop me from taking the steps two at a time to make my way inside, though. Guess I may as well make my entrance and get this shit over with.