I’m standingoff to the side when the party starts. Silas has no idea I’m here, and honestly, I prefer it that way. It’s already going to be awkward when all of us are under one roof. In fact, I told Shadow and Shila that I can look for another place to stay. Sure, I just graduated from vet technician school a few months ago, so money would be tight. If it meant that Silas would be happier, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Ramen noodles, peanut butter, and jelly sandwiches along with grilled cheese may not be the healthiest of diets, but I did it when I was in my last foster home. Surely, I could do it for the next few months if need be.

Of course, they wouldn’t hear any of that, saying they had plenty of room and that Silas was okay with me staying there. How that’s possible I have no idea. If I were in his shoes, all of the blame for his last five years behind not only razor-wired fence but living in a concrete cell without breathing fresh air, I’d put all the blame on me, even if I wasn’t looking for what Barry Winslow was trying to push on me. The worst part was that after Silas, now known as Crush to everyone at the club and surrounding areas, was arrested, he wouldn’t listen to a word I had to say. I’ve never been able to apologize to him, and that’s on him. I tried, believe me I tried. The only other thing I could do was write a letter to him while he was in prison. Thankfully, I talked to Sedona about it first before doing so, because she flat out told me no way, that it would piss him off even more. So, I just went about my business. Shadow, Shila, and Sedona had me over for dinner every day after school. The only time when it was hard to get away from my foster parents was on the weekends, and that’s because all the kids had chores to do except for their own. It was a bad situation that was slowly souring as the days went on. I tried not to bring the Futch family into the mess that was mine. It didn’t stop them, though, so while I was still in high school, not even having my diploma yet, Shadow showed up on my foster parents’ doorstep on my eighteenth birthday and moved me in with them. I went to school, started working part-time at a coffee shop after school, and when the time came for me to get my diploma, I did it with them in the crowd. Shortly after, I went from part-time to full-time while starting the vet tech program at the community college.

“Why are you over here by yourself? At least make yourself a plate.” Jolie comes up beside where I’m sitting in a chair on the outskirts of where everyone is mingling. The women, myself included, worked all day to cook and set the food up. It was a miracle I got today off to even help. That doesn’t mean I want to intrude on Silas’ day.

“No reason, really. I’m probably going to make a plate and head back to the house.” I shrug my shoulders. The food is set out buffet style, and there’s another table set up with all kinds of liquor and mixers, a massive cooler to the side filled to the brim with beer, and the picnic benches are scattered everywhere under the copse of trees that’s situated in the backyard at the clubhouse.

“That’s up to you. Something tells me there’s more to this story, but I’ll drop it for now.” Jolie is Rage’s wife, the president of the Louisiana chapter. Both are nice, Jolie more so than her husband, but I imagine that comes with the territory of his position.

“If you see Sedona or Collins, will you let them know I’ll see them later this week?” Silas was released from prison on a Monday. Talk about weird, but it’s not like the club would wait till the weekend to welcome him home.

“I will. Stop by our house soon, too. I picked something up for you at the store.” All these years later, and I’m still not used to having people in my life who are so loving and consider me family.

“Okay.” I stand up, already knowing if I put up a fight or make a comment about them not needing to do anything for me, I’ll get the look that says ‘Too bad, get over it, and get used to it.’ That’s probably why whenever there’s something that needs to be done, I always try to help out, case in point helping cook and set up on my day off. It would have been hard to pull this all off without another set of hands, plus, truth be told, I felt like it was the least I could do, and the glimpse I’ve seen of Silas, it was all worth it.

“Later, Gigi,” she says to my back. I’m busy watching where I’m going, so as not to walk into one of the brothers. They wouldn’t mess with me. I know that, but there are a few brothers from out of town who I’ve never met before. There in itself lies another reason to go home before the party really starts.

“See you soon, Jolie,” I reply once I’ve made it to the buffet table. I grab my plate, shuffle pretty quickly to grab some food. Thankfully, I waited until everyone got their food, so there isn’t a line. After that, I grab a bottle of water from the drink area and start making my tracks towards the house. I feel someone’s heated gaze locked on me as I walk. Instead of looking around trying to figure out who it is, I keep my eyes forward and my feet moving, making sure to give Silas his space. Another conversation that was awkward at best. I understood it. Shadow told me it’s going to take time for his son to relax. In that same sentence, he asked me to lay low. It was easy to agree with even if my stomach sank knowing Silas wasn’t ready for my apology. Quite frankly, it sucked, but that’s the burden I’ll have to shoulder. Forever.