Page 58 of Suddenly Sexy

She had shared a beautiful night with Eric. She thought she had finally found someone who understood her and appreciated her strengths and weaknesses. Julie pressed her lips together as her mouth trembled. But Eric didn’t think she could take care of herself. That she needed a bodyguard day and night.

She would not cry, Julie decided as she slapped the button for the elevator. Not right now. She needed to be alone and in private before the tears started to fall.

Staring at the illuminated floor numbers, she waited impatiently for the elevator. A thought she had been trying to push aside came rushing through her mind. Had Eric felt anything for her, or was she just some woman to pass the time? Did he encourage her to dream knowing the whole time she would never have a chance to act on those dreams?

Had it all been a pick-up line that she fell for?

She didn’t want to think that Eric was that kind of man. He was honorable and he cared. But he didn’t think much of her. She had fallen in love with a man who didn’t think she was capable of crossing the street by herself.

“Come on,” she muttered to herself as the elevator doors slowly opened. She stepped in and pressed a button. Crossing her arms, she stood in the corner and propped herself against the wall. She didn’t feel as if she had any strength left to stand upright.

Once the elevator started to make its descent, Julie’s eyes stung with tears. She would never see Eric again. Her wild fling hadn’t ended the way she’d hoped. She had secretly wished Eric would have stayed in the Seattle area to be with her.

Julie shook her head at the fanciful idea. She really had to stop fantasizing. All it did was lead to heartache.

But she wouldn’t stop dreaming. She wouldn’t quit pursuing her dream. One day she was going to be a woman of action. She would lead the life she always wanted.

She’d show Eric. Julie’s eyes narrowed as the anger bubbled inside her. She would show everyone that she could take on the world. Yes, she could be impulsive, and yes, she didn’t always follow the plan. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, but she shouldn’t have her world limited because she made mistakes.

It took a moment for her to see that the elevator had stopped on her floor. She walked out onto the marble mezzanine. It was quiet and empty. No one was around this early in the morning.

She studied the nightclub entrance as she headed for the sky bridge. It looked different in the day. Cold and tired. She didn’t know why everyone wanted to party at that place.

Julie crossed the sky bridge, her legs heavy and slow. She didn’t want to imagine what life was going to be like without Eric. She thought they were a team. Partners. The idea of going it alone wasn’t as exciting.

He was more than her partner; he was her mentor. Her inspiration. She couldn’t wait to embrace the day, knowing she would be with Eric. But if he couldn’t support her dreams, she had to move on.

The emotions clogged her throat, threatening to suffocate her. She took a thin breath and wiped the tear from the corner of her eye. She had to stop feeling this way. Superspies didn’t cry. Famous detectives didn’t get emotional. They got mad, they got drunk and they shot a few people.

She didn’t have that luxury, but she wasn’t going to curl up in her bed for the rest of the weekend. That was the old Julie. This Julie had a job to do.

Julie entered the garage elevator and hit the button for her floor. She didn’t notice anyone else was nearby until three people stepped into the elevator after her.

“What floor?” Julie asked. She glanced up when they didn’t answer.

Mercedes stood in front of her. She wore the same dress as the night before. Her hair was messy and her makeup was smeared. She looked more intimidating than she did in the nightclub.

Julie didn’t move. Her throat tightened and she couldn’t speak. She stood frozen as the fear congealed in her stomach.

“Why don’t you take your picture now,” Mercedes drawled.

Julie gave a quick glance at the other two in the elevator. Would they intervene? They were both men. Big and muscular. One had a crew cut and wore jeans and T-shirt. The other was bald and wore a T-shirt and cargo pants.

“They are with me,” Mercedes said with a fake smile.

Of course they were. They had an ex-military vibe about them. She never met a mercenary before but she knew one when she saw him. At another time, another place, she’d gawk and ask questions. Right now she was keeping quiet.

She looked at the alarm button near the door. It would require her to lunge for it. She’d only get one chance, but that was all she needed. Julie rocked on the balls of her feet just as Baldy blocked the button panel and pushed her away.