Page 57 of Suddenly Sexy

“What we did last night has nothing to do with hiding out.” It was important for her to understand that. The light bondage had been an exchange of trust and power. He knew she wouldn’t have tried it unless she trusted him with the dreams and desires she wasn’t fully comfortable with. “I wanted you to live out your fantasy.”

“No, you didn’t.” She took another step away and pointed accusingly at him. “You’re trying to hold me back.”

“I’m not. I’m trying to protect you.”

She shook her head. “I can protect myself.”

“No, you can’t.” His voice rang out.

Julie flinched as if she had been hit. “Thanks, Eric. Thanks a lot,” she said bitterly. “What happened to ‘you have good instincts’ or ‘you have raw talent’? What changed? Or was any of that true?”

“I wasn’t lying.” She had talent, but it wasn’t enough. Not for the challenges she wanted to face.

“You don’t really believe in my abilities, do you?” She strode to the table near the door and grabbed her purse. She had to get out of the hotel room. “You think I have good instincts as long as they aren’t tested.”

“Okay, listen.” He followed her, tightening the towel that rested low on his hips. “This situation isn’t the time to try out your skills.”

“If you had your way it would never be the right time.”

“Probably, yeah. And I have every reason to feel that way. You treat the world as if it’s some amusement park. Those guys saw you interfere with their goal. They are going to hurt you.”

“Not if I share the information first. Then it’s a waste of time to pursue me. But unfortunately I need more pictures if I want them put away.”

“So you’re going to walk into the lion’s den with just a cell phone and a pair of shorts.” He shook his head at the idea. “Your plan is crazy. Suicidal.”

“I prefer the terms bold and daring.”

He didn’t even want to consider the logistical problems of her plan. The potential drawbacks. The severe consequences if Mercedes or Tiffany recognized her. And they would.

“I’m not going to let you do this.”

She tilted her head. “Seriously? You’re putting your foot down? You won’t let me?”

“That’s right.” He knew he was taking a big risk but he couldn’t support her plan. “I won’t be your backup or sidekick. In fact, I’ll get in your way until you see reason and give up.”

“Wow.” She rubbed her forehead. “You don’t know me at all.”

“Julie,” he said as he approached her carefully, “I’m not the enemy.”

She gave a harsh bark of laughter. “You just threatened to get in my way.”

“I want you to be happy.” He placed his hand on her arm.

She removed his touch with a fierce shake of her arm. “No, you want to keep me fenced in.”

“That’s not true.” He wanted her to follow her dreams and become the woman she wanted to be. But did she think she needed to face danger in order to live fully? “I want you to play it smart. Careful.”

“At a distance,” she added, mimicking his tone. “In full armor. Maybe put me in a plastic bubble.”

“Julie, it’s not like that.”

“Well, I’ve lived like that before and I was barely existing. It was like my life was on hold.” She unlatched the door and grabbed the handle. “I’m not going to live like that again.”

“You don’t have to, but it doesn’t mean you have to be reckless.”

“I want a fire burning inside me every day. I want to live outrageously.” The light dimmed in her eyes. “And I’m going to do it with or without you.”

“I want that for you, too.”

“No, you don’t.” She opened the door, clearly restraining her anger, and stepped into the hallway. “You can’t take me out of my cage, let me spread my wings and then think I’ll go back in quietly.”

“Julie, don’t walk out. We’re not finished.”

“Yes, we are. Goodbye, Eric,” she said softly and closed the door.

* * *

JULIE HURRIED AS FAST as her stiletto heels would carry her. She ducked her head as she rushed to the bank of elevators. An older man passed her in the corridor and gave her a sidelong glance. She knew it looked like she was doing a walk of shame in her black party dress and heels.