Page 48 of Outrageously Yours

“That’s never going to happen.” He bent his head and brushed his lips against the top of her head. “So we’re good?”

She frowned at the chaste kiss. “Yeah, we’re good.”

“Okay.” He forced himself to step away and walk to the door. “I’ll see you Friday at the party.”

“You’re leaving?” She couldn’t hide her crestfallen expression. “But...I mean...”

“Was there something else?” He kept his tone light while eagerness pulsed through his veins. He didn’t want to leave but she had called off the fling.

“No,” she drawled with uncertainty.

“Claire, you can tell me,” he reminded her. What if she didn’t want to restart the fling? He would find a way to convince her. Somehow he was going to make Claire Miller his, and his claim was going to last longer than a week.

The pink darkened across her high cheekbones. “I spoke in the heat of the moment earlier when I said you were out of my system.”

The corner of his mouth twitched as relief zipped down his spine. “I know.”

She gasped. “How?”

“You can’t hide how you feel when we’re naked in bed.” His smile grew.

Her eyes widened in horror. “That can’t be true.”

She made it sound like a bad thing. Her expressive face and audacious moves were the only things that had given him hope that she felt something more than lust for him.

“Claire, a woman who clings to me one night while having multiple orgasms would not have me out of her system the next day.”

Her skin was bright red but Claire ignored what he had said. “I want to continue our fling.”

Satisfaction welled in his chest. “Same rules? Same deadline?”


“Until Max arrives in town?” he asked harshly. He didn’t like the idea of giving up Claire so she could pursue another dream. But she was going places and he was staying put.

“Uh, right. About this job.” She squirmed under his intense gaze, shifting from one foot to the other. “I’m not sure if it’s the right fit for me. The right job.”

“I’m not going to let you talk yourself out of it.” She wanted to retreat into the shadows, longing for her comfort zone. It was tempting to encourage her to abandon the job interview and stay in Woodinville. But he wouldn’t be yet one more person in her life that didn’t believe in her potential.


“I mean it, Claire. Not one word. This is your chance to get your dream job. I’m not going to let anything or anyone get in your way.” Including him.


“COME HERE,” JASON said in a ragged voice as he motioned for her with the curl of his finger.

A delicious ache warmed her belly. She should be ashamed that she was turned on by his voice this quickly. He only had to crook his finger and she was moving toward him.

But she didn’t want to play any games. This fling wasn’t going to last forever. Claire knew what she wanted from him and she wasn’t going to wait any longer.

Jason reached for the sash to her bathrobe and pulled her against him. He was a solid wall of muscle. Claire smoothed her hands over his chest, learning the planes and angles beneath his shirt. She reached his collar and fanned her fingers along the thick column of his neck.

Claire looked up and stared into his light blue eyes. “I want you to stay the night.” Her voice was husky and low.

“What else do you want?” he asked with a smile.

“I want you to kiss me.” Her pulse skittered as she was about to reveal another fantasy. She pressed her mouth against his jaw. “Everywhere.”

She heard Jason’s sharp intake of breath before he roughly cradled her head and claimed her mouth with his. He nibbled and licked her lips before dipping his tongue into her welcoming mouth. She drew him in deeper but he was still in command of the kiss, taking everything she had to offer until she clung to him.

He lowered one hand and untied the sash to her robe with a strong tug. Claire moaned against his mouth as he slid his hand beneath her robe and cupped her naked breast with his big hand. Her nipple tightened and tingled as he played with it.

Claire tore her mouth from his and she whispered his name. She knew her lips were reddened as she gulped in air. Jason left a trail of urgent kisses down her jaw and throat before pressing his mouth against her collarbone. He caught her flesh between his teeth and sucked. Her body flooded with heat as her knees buckled.