Page 47 of Outrageously Yours

“Jason, I explained about my learning disabilities and IQ so you could understand who I am. It was important to me that you knew why I’m tense and quiet. Why I don’t like the spotlight and why I work hard. But you refused to believe me. I struggled with the test results for years. It was depressing to realize that it wouldn’t change. But I’ve finally accepted that this is who I am.”

“No, Claire, it’s only a part of who you are.” He frowned as he considered some things she had said about her childhood. “But your family saw you as your diagnosis, didn’t they? They treated you differently.”

Her gaze darted away. “Just my parents,” she acknowledged. “They didn’t tell my sisters or any of our relatives. They held out hope that it was a misdiagnosis.”

That was why she’d been disappointed when he’d said the experts had gotten it all wrong. She thought that if he didn’t accept this part of her, he couldn’t accept her. How was he going to explain that he didn’t want her to have a lifelong struggle? If he could take her challenges from her, he would.

Jason raked his hands in his hair. “They didn’t tell anyone?”

Claire’s fingers tightened around the lapels of her bathrobe. “They were afraid that I would be mistreated if it got out. I had to be quiet about it.”

He felt a flash of helpless anger. They should have tried to get her the help she needed and find all the resources available to her. No wonder she had become silent and withdrawn as a teen. This also explained why she was reserved and stayed on the sidelines as an adult. “It’s not something to be ashamed about.”

“Yes, it is! I don’t want to go around advertising that I have a low IQ. Do you think anyone would hire me?” She scoffed at the idea. “I would be out of a job. And my friends? They would treat me differently and start using simple sentences when I’m around.”

“That’s not true.” Some clients and friends would fade away, but she didn’t need those people in her life. Claire deserved a close-knit group that supported her through all of the challenges life had to offer.

“Look at how you acted.” She pushed off the door and stood toe-to-toe with him. “Do you see me differently? Be honest, Jason. What do you see?”

He looked down at her face and gave her a lopsided smile. “You are the same woman I knew before you told me your secret. Nothing has changed.”

“How can you say that?” she asked. “Everything has changed.”

Jason shook his head. “The only difference is that you revealed a little more about yourself. Well, and that I won’t tease you anymore about your organizational skills or work habits.”

She reached out and patted him on his arm. “Tease me all you want, Jason.”

“But I won’t let anyone yell at you like Maibe did,” he warned. “That is nonnegotiable.”

Claire rested her head against his chest. “You were right, I didn’t defend myself with Dr. Maibe and I should have. It’s just that I’d made a mistake with Dr. Maibe and I felt like I...deserved it.”

He cupped his hand against the back of her head. It felt good to have her this close, showing her trust. The woman didn’t trust easily. “You wouldn’t treat anyone like that if they were in the wrong.”

“I don’t stand up for myself because chances are it’s going to be my fault. And I hate when my mistake is pointed out. My sisters constantly correct me.”

“You don’t act that way with me,” he said as he gently stroked her back with his other hand. “You always argue with me.”

“It’s not the same.” Her voice was muffled against his chest.

“Because I’m Kim’s brother? Because we’ve known each other since we were kids?”

She lifted her head and gave him a small smile. “No, I argue with you because you listen to me. You respect my opinion. You may not follow it—and you don’t half the time—but you want to hear what I have to say.”

“I will always want to hear what you think, Claire.”

Her mouth parted. “Thanks. That means a lot.” She hurriedly looked away as her skin reddened.

“Don’t turn away,” he said. “You don’t need to hide anything from me.”

“I can’t hide anything from you,” she complained. “You noticed that I was pulling away before today. I regretted telling you about my diagnosis. I didn’t want to see judgment in your eyes.”