“You can ride on the back of my bike,” Xander offers.

Theo’s grip on my hand tightens.

“Xander’s solid. If she wants to, he’ll take good care of her,” I tell him.

He doesn’t say anything, or give her permission, not that she needs it. Calli is her own woman and can make her own decisions. Although something tells me that she’ll choose Xander’s bike just to piss the guys off. If I didn’t have issues of my own right now, I’d be actively encouraging it.

“Come on. We need to move,” I say, tugging Theo in the direction of my room.

“She can’t get enough! Look, dragging him off to the bedroom again already.”

Flipping off my idiot cousin, I continue forward. He doesn’t need encouragement with a response.

Dragging Theo's shirt over my head, I rummage around in my unpacked case—something Theo doesn’t miss—to find some underwear.

“I don’t like that,” he announces when I pull on a lace thong—a really freaking sexy lace thong, I might add.

“Let me guess,” I say. “It doesn’t have your name on it.”

A smirk pulls at his lips as he rests one shoulder against the wall, his eyes locked on my body as I pull my bra on. Anger and darkness radiate from him in the same way they do me as thoughts of what might have happened while we’ve been here run through my head.

“Dad was keen for me to come this weekend,” I blurt, as I drag on a pair of skinny jeans up my legs. “I thought it was weird that he was encouraging me to be out and potentially in danger. With you,” I add.

“Your dad loves me,” Theo says with a smirk.

“Oh yeah. The mafia prince with blood on his hands is every dad’s dream for his little girl.”

“Don’t forget who your father is, Hellcat. We’re kindred spirits, I’m sure.”

I shake my head, more than able to picture a younger version of my dad in the middle of a gunfight.

“Yeah. What the hell have I put myself in the middle of?” I mutter lightly.

He doesn’t respond, clearly more than aware that I didn’t need an actual answer to that question.

We both know what I’m in the middle of. Fucking chaos.

And to think, I believed that I’d move in with my dad and have an easier life.

Pretty sure I couldn’t have been any more off the mark there.

Theo doesn’t say another word and I pull the rest of my clothes on, brush my crazy half wet hair and pile it on top of my head, out of the way. I do a quick job of swiping some eyeliner and mascara on, shove my feet into my boots, and grab my bag.

“Let’s go.”

Theo stares at me with wide eyes.

“That was… fast.”

“What were you expecting?” I ask, quirking a brow at him.

“A longer wait. I thought girls always took ages.”

“Well, I’m not your average girl.”

“That you are not, Hellcat.”

The second I get to him, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his body.