“What?” I ask, reading something in his depths that I don’t think I’m going to like.

“I swear to you, Em. I don’t know anything.”

I nod. “I believe you,” I tell him honestly. “Please, tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I think… I think we should get back. Assuming anything isn’t helping anyone.”

My heart thrashes in my chest as I stare up at him, the heat of his hands on my face keeping me grounded.

“You don’t think it was him?”

“I think there are a lot of possibilities. But…” He blows out a long breath. “The most obvious thing to believe is that he’s retaliating after Luis took you. To the outside world, that would seem realistic. But—”

“We’re not the outside world,” I mutter, starting to predict where he’s going.

“Why would he suddenly feel the need to protect you? He sold you. He was more than happy to hand you over, so why would he—”

“Be suddenly coming to my rescue,” I finish. “You’re right, we need to get home.”

Taking a step back, I give him little choice but to release me as I continue toward his wardrobe for something to cover up with while ideas I don’t really want to think about flicker through my mind.

But two faces keep popping up, and I’d put money on all of this having something to do with them.

* * *

Stella, Seb, Calli, and Xander are all sitting around on the sofas when we walk through the living area of the girls’ suite only a few minutes later.

They take one look at me wearing only Theo’s shirt and smiles appear on all their faces.

“Yes, bro,” Seb shouts, holding his hand up for Theo to high-five. “Man, don’t leave me fucking hanging.”

With a roll of his eyes, Theo concedes and claps his hand against his friend’s.

“You two are fucking idiots,” Stella snaps.

“Oh, like you are any better. The second you’re alone, you’ll be comparing notes about our dick size,” Seb announces.

“Theo’s is bigger,” I blurt, much to his horror.

Pushing to stand, Seb’s hands drop to his waistband. “You’re only saying that because you haven’t properly compared.” He just rips the button open when Stella drags him back to the sofa.

“You’re an asshole,” she hisses. “Leave them alone.”

He pouts, but it doesn’t stop him from taunting Theo.

“But look how happy he is,” Seb teases.

“Right, well. We’re out of here. You’re gonna have to sort out your own way home,” Theo barks.

“You’re ditching us for a girl?” Seb asks, his brows shooting up in faux shock.

“No. I’m ditching you for my wife. I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You two haven’t christened Nico’s car yet so—”

“Oh no. They’re not going at it if I’ve gotta be in the back with them,” Calli pipes up, looking thoroughly horrified by the thought alone.

“Sorry, baby C. Not our fault that you’re not the only one who didn’t get laid last night.”

“She’s right, you know. You are an arsehole,” Calli hisses, her eyes narrowing in anger at Seb.