Wait. Had I just used the L-word?
Frightened by the enormity of my feelings, I glanced over at Wyatt, who was stared out across the ocean. “I forgot to tell you,” I blurted out. “My parents invited you to Thanksgiving dinner next week, but I told them you’d probably want to celebrate it with your brother.”
Oops. I shouldn’t have brought up Lukas. I anxiously studied the profile of his face. How would he react? Was there any way that this would grow less awkward with time?
Wyatt shifted closer to me. “I’d love to come. And since we’re discussing holiday plans, I was thinking we could spend Christmas together in Sunnyvale too.”
“Sure.” I relaxed my face. “You can help me choose and decorate my folks’ tree. We’ll bake a ton of cookies and watch cheesy movies with Indie, and I’ll take you around town. Sunnyvale does this really cute tree-lighting ceremony.”
“That all sounds fine and good. But while we’re on the subject, I’d like to spend Valentine’s Day here as well. And Pi Day. And St. Patrick’s Day. And Easter. And July Fourth.”
The weight on my shoulders lessened. Wyatt coming down that often would make our long-distance relationship more bearable. “That sounds great. You can come down for all the holidays, although I’m not sure how to celebrate Pi Day. Maybe by eating pizza?”
“Perhaps.” He cleared his throat and watched me, his gaze searching. “I was also thinking that instead of driving down here each time, it might be easiest for me to just stay here in Sunnyvale. That way, we can celebrate all the holidays and the in-between days together. How do you feel about that?”
It took a few moments for the words to register in my brain. “You’d move here? For me? But what about your work?”
“I can write anywhere. And I’ve talked to Cole about it. The jerk is already looking for another roommate.” Wyatt reached out and took my hand in his. “I’d like us to take this next step together, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. What do you think? Is this too soon? I know that you’ve been hurt in the past and—”
I threw my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. Hard. “Stay.” I punctuated the word with a kiss. “Stay here. With me.”
He smiled against my mouth and wrapped me in an embrace. “There’s only one problem with this plan. Do you think your parents will let me stay in the rental unit?”
I tilted my head back and laughed. “Well, they let a nudist stay there, so they clearly have pretty low standards.”
He laughed too and happiness enveloped me like a cozy blanket.
Wyatt was staying. Here. For me. Forus.