Page 61 of The Dating Pact


My father greeted me with a hug. “Honey, Everly’s here.”

“And I brought pie.” I showed my father the covered pan.

My dad eyed it greedily. “Pumpkin?”

“Sorry. Apple.”

It was a running joke in our family. While pumpkin pie was traditional at Thanksgiving, I hated it so much that I always brought an alternative. Last year it was strawberry rhubarb. The year before, a chocolate pie. But this year, I’d gone with good old-fashioned apple.

My father tsked. “Well, we have only one pumpkin pie, so that means there won’t be enough for you.”

“Too bad.” I screwed up my face in mock disappointment. “There’s always next year.”

My dad nodded solemnly. “There’s always next year.”

“Stop teasing the girl.” My mother gave him a gentle shove and wrapped me in a tight embrace. Her hair was tied in a bun and she wore lipstick, something she only put on for the holidays.

“Your brothers are here. And Wyatt too.” She peered behind me. “Is Indie coming later?”

I shook my head. “She’s having lunch at the nursing home.” Last year, Indie started volunteering at Peaceful Pines, our neighborhood nursing home, and this Thanksgiving, she decided to spend time with a few of the residents she’d grown close to.

My mom nodded. “What a wonderful idea. I’m sure the residents will appreciate her company. I’ll make her up a plate for you to take back. Come on inside. The boys are hanging out in the backyard.”

After depositing my pie in the kitchen, I walked through the dining room and stepped out onto the deck. Aiden sat at the patio table, staring at something on his phone, while Ben and Wyatt stood in the yard, tossing a football back and forth.

“What pie did you bake this year?” Ben called out.


Ben grinned. “Awesome. You can never have too much pie.”

Wyatt jogged over and kissed me on the cheek. “Hi there,” he said with a smile. “You look pretty today.”

I did a twirl, making my yellow skirt spin. “Thanks. You look handsome too.”

He’d slicked back his normally tousled hair and wore a lightweight, brown sweater. I previously thought green was my favorite color on him, but he looked mighty handsome in brown as well.

“Whoa. Wait just one second.” Ben crossed the yard, scowling. “Did you just kiss my sister? Is there something going on between you two?”

“They’re dating,” Aiden said without looking up from his phone.

Ben’s eyes narrowed. “Clearly. But when did this happen?”

Wyatt opened his mouth to answer, but I beat him to it. “Does it matter? Wyatt and I are seeing each other, and it’s none of your business. I don’t interrogate you about the girls you go out with, and I’d appreciate the same courtesy. You have no right to ask me about my dating life.”

Aiden looked up from his phone and gave us one of his rare smiles. “She has a point, Benjamin.”

Ben huffed. “Don’t call me that. And how come you’re just sitting there like nothing’s happened? We’re her older brothers.”

Aiden slid his phone into his pants pocket. “I have a good feeling about Wyatt.”

“That’s it?A good feeling?” Ben shook his head. “This from Sunnyvale’s finest cop?”

“Well, I can always arrest him if needed.” Aiden chuckled.

“Lunch is ready!” Mom announced from inside the house. “Come on inside and stop pestering Wyatt and Everly.” She gave me a knowing smile.