Page 11 of The Dating Pact

Me:Ten-minute scheduled breaks don’t count

Cole:Why? They’re refreshing

Cole:Although maybe I should stay here. It’s better to teach in person. The students pay a fortune for my wisdom

Me:Don’t worry about coming down, Mom. I’ve got it handled

Cole:Don’t sass me, young man!

Chuckling,I took one last look at the mural and made my way out the door.

My phone buzzed again: probably Cole with another one of his “Yo mama” jokes. I was about to give him a piece of my mind, but my laughter died on my lips the moment I saw who’d messaged me.

Lukas:You talked to Everly yet?

Lukas:How did she look?

Beautiful but wary.Was that a result of what happened between her and my brother? Or was it because we hadn’t spoken in years?

Me:The same

Lukas:Good. Let me know when you talk to her

Me:I’m not sure this is a good idea

Lukas:You can’t back out now

Lukas:You owe me

Geez.I loved my older brother, but right now, I seriously hated him. If I’d known Lukas’s intentions, I would never have accepted his help in the first place.

“Hey, Wyatt.”

I looked up from my phone to see Ben waving from his truck.

“You need a ride to Everly’s?”

Not really. The last thing I wanted was to be alone in a car with one of Everly’s brothers. Although, of the two, Ben seemed the better choice. He read my novels, so at least we’d have something to talk about. Plus, he was more laid-back than Aiden, who’d probably be more than happy to use his police interrogation skills on his sister’s behalf.

“Sure.” I silenced my phone and slid it into my pocket. Lukas would have to wait.

“I’m going to the convention in LA this year,” Ben said.

“Right,” I grunted as I buckled my seat belt. “I remember Everly telling me years ago that you’re a Star Wars fan.”

“She got me this full-body Chewbacca costume last Christmas as a joke. Don’t tell her, but I love the thing. I plan on coming to your talk too. I still can’t believe your next book will be the last in the series. What are your plans afterward?”

I relaxed slightly. Ben wanted to drive with me so we could talk shop. He had no suspicions about my real reason for being here. “Well, I’m dusting off my drawing skills and working on a webcomic series.”

Ben nodded. “I saw the sketches on your Instagram feed. They’re fantastic. And is it true what they’re saying about your books being turned into movies?”

I winced inwardly but kept my tone light. “Nothing’s set in stone yet. The series just needs to get support from the right people.”

People like Lukas.

Ben pulled a face. “Make sure it’s a good adaptation. Remember the Ring of Hope series?”

I sure did. Any true fantasy fan remembered that. The book series was so popular that a television channel snatched it up. Unfortunately, a bad script, poor casting choices, and terrible special effects resulted in a tanked series.