Page 12 of The Dating Pact

Ben turned off the highway and onto a winding road that led through a hilly neighborhood filled with cute bungalows and palm trees. Besides the splash of color from the occasional bougainvillea bush or cluster of geraniums, everything surrounding us came in various shades of green and beige. We drove uphill for a while, passing house after almost identical house before pulling up outside a bright yellow bungalow with a fuchsia-pink door.

I grinned at the unexpected colors. “This must be Everly’s place.”

“You guessed it.” Ben stopped the truck but remained in his seat, staring at me. It appeared he had no intention of getting out anytime soon.

“So you’re here to do a book signing at Landry’s and then heading down to FanCon?”


“You’re also presumably here to see my sister.”

I unbuckled my seat belt and straightened in my seat. Perhaps I was wrong in thinking Ben was the more laid-back brother because this was starting to feel more like an interrogation.

“Yes. That’s also the plan.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

I understood his wanting to protect his sister, but Everly was an adult. “Seems to me that’s her decision to make.”

Ben’s frown deepened. “Look, man. When I found out you were staying at our parents’ place, I was more than a little surprised. And a book signing in Sunnyvale? It makes no sense. Our town is tiny. Nothing compared to LA. Therefore, I assume you’re mainly here to talk to Ev. But what I can’t figure out is why you’re reaching out to her now. You two used to be so close, but from what I hear, you haven’t talked to her since graduation.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but Ben stopped me with a look.

“I’m not interested in hearing your excuses. Lukas might be your brother, but it’s cruel what he did to my sister. The guy cheated on her, and Ev paid the price. Did you know the paparazzi hounded her when they got wind of their breakup? Everly had to quit her teaching job and move out of her old place because it got so bad. You were her best friend for years. How come you didn’t reach out even once to check up on her?”

I’d had no idea. That would explain her wariness. I lowered my gaze, my guilt tearing me apart inside. “You’re right. I should have been there for her. But I’m here to make up for that now.”

The lie twisted in my stomach like a fish caught on a line, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell Ben the complete truth. I’d tried to support Everly and Lukas’s relationship but hated who I turned into around them: the jealous younger brother who wanted what he could never have. After graduation, I purposely cut them both from my life. Although the decision almost destroyed me, it hurt worse to see them together. It was like a knife to the gut every time. I’d had no idea they’d even broken up until Lukas reached out a few months ago to call in a favor.

That’s why I was back in Everly’s life, to pay off a debt to my brother. But after hearing how their relationship ended, I couldn’t stomach the thought of what I had to do.

Ben’s eyes narrowed as he studied me. “Let me make one thing clear. I love your writing and look forward to reading your final StarFire book. But I’ll be watching you, and if you hurt my sister, we’ll be having words. Understood?”

Filled with regret over what I should have done years ago, I nodded.

Ben’s mouth curved back into an easy grin. “Good. Glad we had this talk.”