Chapter 5


As soon as my eyesopen, I’m disappointed. Not that I’m not grateful to be alive. It’s just that reality has set in, and I realize everything that happened wasn’t a dream as I hoped. I really did suffer through a traumatic ordeal, and I really have lost everything in a fire.

The incessant beeping of monitors drowns out my distressed groan. I’m in a hospital bed strung up like a Christmas tree. There are needles and tubes everywhere and my chest feels like a blow torch is on full blast in there. My overall mood is pretty much doom and gloom, which is so unlike me.

I close my eyes, wishing I could go back to sleep. At least, in my dreams, he was there. Rowan. My dream man. His voice is still in my head. I especially love the way he says, “Grace” in that deep rich voice, making my common name sound exotic. And the way his strong and calm presence made me feel safe in the middle of a fire is incredible. The entire time we communicated, I felt a connection with him.

I’m sure he interacts with everyone he rescues the way he did with me, but I refuse to stop feeling special. That’s about all I have right now. Sighing heavily, I open my eyes again. There’s no point stalling on facing my reality. There’s no point in having the hots for a firefighter who I’ll never see again, either.

It’s still mind-boggling that I’m actually into the man. I still don’t even know what he looks like. There was a moment when I thought I saw him, but it was dark. All I got was a glimpse of broad shoulders and dark hair. Then again, I was so out of it, maybe I was hallucinating. I’m going to go ahead and blame my strange attraction to the faceless Rowan on being extremely grateful because he saved my life.

“Yeah, that has to be it,” I grumble, attempting to sit up.

A gasp brings my attention to the door.

“No, Grace. What are you doing? Don’t get up.” Ashley Cohen, my classmate, hurries over. A cute brunette with a pixie cut, she always reminds me of a doll with her bright, full blue eyes.

I’m shocked to see her because we’re not exactly friends. We just met weeks ago.

“Ashley,” I croak, feeling as if my throat is stuffed with cotton. “What are you doing here?”

Hand on her chest, she scoffs. “Are you serious? I heard about the fire.”

“Wow, word travels fast.” The fire must have been all over the news.

Ashley’s eyebrows pinch together. “You’ve been here for two days.”

“What?” I jackknife into a sitting position. Holy hell, I’d thought everything had unfolded just hours ago. How could I have been out of it for two whole days? Raking my fingers through my hair, I wince when the needles prick my skin. I forgot I’ve been turned into a pincushion.

“Yeah, I came yesterday, but I wasn’t allowed to come in.” Ashley glances over her shoulder at the closed door and whispers, “If anyone asks, I’m your sister. I had to lie to get in here.”

Relaxing back, I smile. That’s actually sweet. My real sister probably wouldn’t try that hard to see me. “Okay, Sis.”

Ashley giggles. “How are you, Grace?” Her eyes rove over me and the gazillion monitors. “That’s probably a stupid question, but still...”

I’m feeling a little awkward because Ashley and I are virtual strangers. But at least she’s concerned enough to be here. It makes me feel a little less alone. “I’m... alive. That’s good.”

She nods her agreement with enthusiasm.

“But honestly, I’m stressed. I’ve lost everything. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” I have no home, no clothes, no money, no job. I’m so far down in the dumps, I’m not sure how I’ll claw my way out. Lifting a hand cautiously this time, I scrub my face and heave a sigh.

Pulling the chair beside my bed closer, Ashley sits. “What about your family?”

My family. I snort inwardly. “They’re too far away.”

I made sure of that. I liberated myself from them years ago and the last thing I want to do is reach out to them, even in my dire situation.

“I’m sorry, Grace. I’d offer you a place to crash, but I have a one-bedroom apartment and it’s barely enough space for my boyfriend and me. But maybe we can make it work for a few days.”

“No, it’s okay. Thanks, though.”

Ashley and I chat some more. I swerve away from the heavy stuff because I don’t know her well enough to express how terrified I truly am. She soon leaves and I’m left alone with my depressing thoughts.