I claw my way to her, spurred by dread. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this desperation. Her body lies unmoving in a fetal position. Grabbing her shoulders, I haul her out of the cavern created by the table and the debris.

I don’t even take a second to look at the face of the woman I’ve been talking with. Hoisting her over my shoulder, I move away from the flames that have now consumed the apartment’s door. I’ve already made my location known, so there’s likely someone trying to get in from a window. The thick black smoke makes it nearly impossible to see.

A window shatters and I follow the sound into what I barely make out to be a bedroom. I hear a familiar voice, which brings relief. It’s Claudette, a rookie who joined the crew while I was away on my regular duty. She’s cleared the way to the fire escape, but I don’t allow her to help me with Grace. It’s like I can’t bear to let her go yet.

As soon as my feet touch the pavement, I make a beeline for one of the ambulances that has arrived on site. A paramedic already has a stretcher prepared. With Grace strapped on and fitted with an oxygen mask, I finally get a look at her. I can’t see much because it’s still dark and her face is covered by soot. It’s hard to even tell the color of her hair.

All I’m certain of is that she has incredible curves showcased by silky, sexy nightwear—that’s now filthy. I have the urge to cover her up and hide her from everyone else. Shaking off the sudden possessiveness, I blow out a breath. The ordeal with Grace obviously has me so rattled, I’m thinking crazy.

She’s still breathing—thank god—but she hasn’t opened her eyes. As if under compulsion, I move with the stretcher to the ambulance, eyes glued to her face.

Taking off my face gear, I whisper, “Come on, Grace, open your eyes.”

As if she heard me, her lashes flutter. I don’t realize I’m holding my breath until she opens her eyes and looks directly at me. I try, but I can’t make out the color of her eyes. A wave of relief washes over me, but I know better than to be sure she’s one hundred percent out of the woods. There might be complications with all the smoke she inhaled.

Her eyes close again and she’s lifted into the ambulance. I just stand there after it takes off, staring into space.

“Hey, Row.” A hand claps my shoulder. “You alright, man?”

Blinking, I turn to Kevin, glad he made it out unscathed. “Uh-huh.”

His eyes move over my face with concern. “Are you sure? You look a little out of it.”

I am out of it. I’m still trying to figure out the potent attraction I have for the woman I rescued. A woman who I wouldn’t typically go for. She’s far too sweet and innocent.

And she’s sixteen years younger than me, for Christ’s sake.