“Sure, that’s easy enough to check.” Kane rubbed his chin and gazed at his notes. “Where did you go after leaving Aunt Betty’s Café on Monday morning?”

“Do I have to answer that question?” Josh shot an agonized look at his lawyer.

“No.” Stone shrugged. “Unless this question is relevant to a murder enquiry and you wish to exclude my client.”

Interesting. “Okay.” Kane leaned back in his seat and twirled his pen. “How well do you know Sarah Woodward?”

“The cute blonde?” Josh grinned. “I’d like to know her but when I asked her to join me for a drink, she practically ran into the bathroom. That was outside the Cattleman’s Hotel restaurant on Saturday night after the game.”

Kane took in Josh’s demeanor. He was cocky and sure of himself. He had not murdered Sarah but did have something to hide. “Did you return to the Cattleman’s Hotel after I escorted you to a cab?”

“I’m taking the Fifth.” Rockford glanced at his lawyer. “Maybe I had a hot date. I don’t have to tell him, do I?”

“No, you don’t have to answer any of his questions.” Stone’s hard gaze bored into Kane.

“I’ll move on then.” Kane cleared his throat. “Would you agree to give me a DNA sample? Miss Woodward was involved in an incident and I am eliminating suspects.”

“I’d like to give her a DNA sample.” Josh wiggled his eyebrows.

“You don’t have to comply.” Stone leaned toward Josh. “Not unless they obtain a court order.”

“I didn’t touch the girl.” Josh shrugged dismissively. “I’ll do the test.”

Kane completed the test and, keeping his expression neutral, turned back to Josh Rockford. He needed forensics to go over his vehicle and his father’s old pickup. “That’s all I have for you for now unless you’d agree to a forensics team searching your car? We’ll need to take a look at your father’s old pickup as well.”

“In relation to what?” Stone eyed him suspiciously.

“We are investigating two incidents and a blue pickup involved in a hit-and-run.” Kane sighed “We are in the process of questioning people in the vicinity at the time, and Mr. Rockford is on our list.”

“Yes, you can check out my SUV. I didn’t do anything or cause an accident. You’ll have to speak to my father about the pickup.” Josh got to his feet. “Can I go now?”

Kane stood and offered his hand. “Thank you for your cooperation. Don’t clean the car, will you? If you do, I’m sure Mr. Stone will explain the ramifications.”

“I’ll make sure he understands, and I’ll contact you about Mayor Rockford’s pickup within the hour. I’m sure he’ll want his name cleared as soon as possible.” Stone looked down his nose at him as if he had broken wind. “When do you expect the forensics team to arrive?”

Kane pushed to his feet. “In the next twenty-four hours, and I’d like to take a look at the old pickup today.”

“Very well.” Stone gave him a dismissive stare and turned to usher Josh toward the door.

Kane moved to his side. “May I have a word in private?”

“Wait for me at the desk.” Stone waved Josh away as if he was an annoying fly. “What can I do for you, Deputy Kane?”

Kane sized up the athletic, good-looking man before him. “I have a few questions. Take a seat; this won’t take long unless you need to call a lawyer too?”

“Really? Ask away.” Stone gave a sarcastic laugh. “Do you need my movements as well? If so, I was attending a conference in LA. I left here a week ago on Saturday and came back on Monday at around ten, I believe. No sooner had I put my bags inside my house, the mayor called and informed me you were harassing the members of the Larks Team.”

Pushing the notepad toward him, Kane met his gaze. “I’ll need details, if you don’t mind.”

“Not a problem.” Stone scratched away at the pad then signed the bottom with a flourish. “Would you like a DNA test from me as well?”

“Not at this time.” He leveled his gaze at Stone. “There is another subject we need to speak about—Jenna.”

“Ah, I see.” Stone gave him a look to freeze an ocean. “I had a feeling you two knew each other.” He held both hands up and gave him a thin smile. “That’s what happens when I encourage women below my class.”

Kane gave him his death glare. “I didn’t see your name listed in Forbes—didn’t make it again this year, huh?”

“Don’t worry, she is all yours.” Stone shot to his feet and strode toward Rockford.