A shudder of horror gripped her at the kaleidoscope of brutal images running through her mind. The idea of Clough murdering Sarah slid firmly into place. Holy cow. Davis placed Stan Clough in the same place and about the same time as Sarah dropped her car into the garage for a service. Stan Clough, the sadistic animal killer, could have overheard her plans for the day and followed her. I have to tell Kane.


Kane sat opposite Susie Hartwig with Deputy Rowley taking notes in a seat beside him. Not that being alone with the girl worried him, but the way she smiled at him brought the interview under the gaze of everyone in the office. No doubt, Susie had told all and sundry he had asked her to drop by the station.

After she had made a big production of delivering the coffee personally to each deputy and Maggie, she raised one penciled eyebrow. “You didn’t order one for the sheriff. Maybe it was an oversight or are you two not getting along? I noticed you both ate alone today.”

Kane avoided her intent gaze and moved his attention to the arrival of Josh Rockford and a man he assumed was his lawyer, James Stone. When Josh elbowed his companion and indicated toward Susie Hartwig, he bit back a smile. Rockford would be wondering if his alibi would cover for him. Jumpy did not come close to Rockford’s demeanor. Observing Susie Hartwig’s interview while he cooled his heels in the waiting area would be driving him nuts.

“I asked if you got along with the sheriff.” Susie gave him an indignant glare.

“We’re getting along just fine. Take a seat and we’ll get on with the interview so you can get back to work.”

“Sure.” Susie unbuttoned her coat and sat down, crossing her long legs. “Is this about Josh? I told Jake everything I know.”

Kane cleared his throat. “Tell me. Start with Friday night.” He opened his notepad and looked at her.

“Josh dropped by after training, asked me to dinner. After working all day, I really wanted to go home, then he gave me those puppy dog eyes and I agreed.” Susie let out a long sigh. “We had dinner and later went to his place. Not his daddy’s house, his apartment in town. I went home about eleven.”

Kane folded his hands on the desk. “How did you get home?”

“I called a cab.” She giggled. “He didn’t tell you I stayed the night, did he? That boy is prone to exaggeration. Although he spends far too much time online watching porn. I guess he wears himself out, if you know what I mean?” She gave him a knowing wink. “Josh fell asleep in front of the TV. I called a cab at about ten thirty.”

A cab would be easy to check. “Did you happen to see him on Saturday morning or Monday morning?”

“Yeah, he came into the café real early Monday morning, met up with Dan, ah… Dan Beal and had coffee. They left around eight.” She tapped her chin and stared into space. “Saturday, I’m pretty sure they came in about the same time as you. The day we first met.”

Kane blinked away an eye-roll. He jotted down a summary of dates and times on a statement form and pushed it across the desk to her. “Okay, thank you for your assistance. If you will read my notes and sign them as your statement, you can go.” He turned to his deputy. “When Miss Hartwig is finished, witness the statement and show her out.”

He noticed Magnolia trying to get his attention and pushed to his feet then headed toward the front desk. “Problem?”

“No, everything is just fine. The forensic reports have just arrived. I’ve put them in the files.” Maggie beamed at him. “I knew you’d want to know straight away.”

“Thanks, Maggie.” Kane glanced out the glass door to see Alton marching toward the station with an expression of doom plastered on her face. He strode to the door and opened it for her then stood back.

“Hold the fort for me.” Alton moved through the office like a tornado and headed for her door. “Daniels. My office now.”

Kane stared after her then strolled toward Rockford. “Mr. Rockford, thank you for coming in. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“This is James Stone, my lawyer.” Josh indicated to a man in his forties, fit and wearing an expensive cologne to go with his superbly tailored suit.

Kane offered his hand and the man’s strong grip surprised him. “Sheriff Deputy Kane.” He waved them into his booth and sat behind the desk.

“I would like you to make a note that my client has come here of his own free will and will only answer questions I deem suitable. Are we clear?”

“They are only routine questions. I want to eliminate suspects for a number of cases that may or may not be related.” Kane leaned back in his chair. “Mr. Rockford, can you account for your whereabouts on Friday night during the hours of eleven and one.”

Rockford glanced at his lawyer, who nodded.

“I spent Friday evening with Susie Hartwig. I’m sure she told you already?”

Kane jotted down notes. “She said she left your apartment between ten thirty and eleven. We can corroborate her story from the cab records. So I’m afraid you have no alibi for the time in question.”

“I woke up in front of the TV about three and she’d left.” Josh Rockford shrugged. “I didn’t leave the house.”

“Okay.” Kane met his gaze. “Your father owns a dark blue Ford pickup. When was the last time you drove the vehicle?”

“Why the hell would I drive that old wreck?” Josh Rockford snorted in disgust. “It’s used by our ranch hands, has been for about ten years.” He glared at Kane. “I don’t know if it ever leaves the property. You’ll have to ask my father.”