I tryto shake off the unpleasantries with Allegra while driving over to Fortress.

I have to meet with my brothers and Enzo. I have no fucking clue what’s gotten into her and why all of a sudden she’s accosting me at my house and coming onto me. It’s been so long since the days we were in college that I hardly even remember them. Maybe after so much time on her own, she’s losing her shit.

I’ve never honestly thought of her inthatway since she married Roberto, it would be so wrong.

I dial Rayne on the way, hoping for a distraction, but she doesn’t answer. I should pay her a visit tonight, but it depends on how things go down at Fortress when I get there.

I think back to her file and the new information I learned about her very much alive sister. My hackles rise when I think about why she would say her sister was dead when she so clearly isn’t.

Maybe they have a strained relationship, maybe they’ve fallen out of touch …but still, it seems extreme and doesn’t explain the photo I saw of them taken just six months ago.

I know I should have cut her loose by now, that isn’t even a question. A quick, hot little love affair could have done me just fine, yet she’s gotten under my skin in a way that no woman has been able to do in a long time. I wish I could shake it, shake her, but the more I try, the more I fail, and I don’t ever fail at anything.

I arrive at Fortress thirty minutes later, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel while impatiently waiting for the huge, heavy gates to open.

My brothers are all hanging out when I arrive. There’s a buzz all around from the raid. It’s good for us all to be low-key and here in one place together. The boys are playing a round of pool when I notice Enzo’s absence.

“Where the fuck is E?” I ask Marco, who’s resting on his pool cue.

“Beats me.” Marco shrugs. “Though he did say he’d be back in an hour or two.”

“He only called mefiftytimes today. I still don’t know what’s going on with him, any of you guys got any fucking clue what’s up his ass?”

“I assume he and Rocco have some business downtown.” Fynn shrugs. “Where’ve you been all night, anyway?” he asks, taking an impossible pool shot and pocketing it.

“Balls deep, little brother, not that it’s any of your business.” I lug the shot down. Of course, that’s untrue, but it’s the best thing I can come up with rather than lying about Allegra paying me a visit to rehash old times.

“So, let me get this straight, we’re all hiding out here all night after the raid, and yet you’re out there getting pussy?” he snorts.

“Watch your fucking mouth, Fynn. I’m warning you.”

“The gallery girl again?” Marco grins. “Quite taken with her, aren’t you?”

“Why don’t you two quit asking me about where my dick’s been and someone fill me in on what there is to know. Dante, you’re looking a little quiet over there.” Anything to take the heat off me right now is welcome.

“Nah, man, nothing to tell. Ma came over with food, that was about it.”

“Ma’s been over?”

“You know what she’s like, she didn’t want her boys starving to death.” He grins.


“Staying at Ma’s. She went over there not long ago.”

I’d go over and see them, but it’s a little late tonight and I really need to see what Enzo was so urgent about earlier. I have a feeling it isn’t good.

“They all good?” I ask.

“Ma’s fine. Security is extra tight, so you don’t need to worry,” Marco informs me. “Gotta be.”

“Good,” I mutter.

I throw back another scotch, knowing that’s not a good thing when I’m feeling a little agitated. I decide to get out of my suit and take a shower while we’re waiting for Enzo’s grand entrance.

“Oh, and the drop’s done,” I inform my brothers on the way out, meaning payday for us all has come around for this latest hike all over the news. It’s currently being taken care of by the company accountant.