“I see that. Question is, for how long?” He swiveled on his bar stool to face her, leaning his elbow on the bar.


p; “As long as Ghost will have me, I guess.”

“What makes you think Ghost wants you back?”

“What makes you think he doesn’t?” she countered right back.

Boot chuckled. “Heard you were a feisty thing.”

“Maybe that’s what he needs.”

“What he needs is a woman that’s not gonna lie to him. A woman that’s not gonna run at the first sign of trouble.” He arched a brow at her.

“He lied to me, too.”

“Yeah, heard he did. Also heard he forgave you. Way I heard it, you didn’t give him the same courtesy.”

Her chin came up. “Maybe I deserve that. Maybe I’ve made some mistakes—”

He laughed. “Maybe?”

“Okay, I have. We both have. I forgive him now. It just took me some time to come to terms with what he did. Can’t a person realize they fucked up and change?”

“Sometimes.” He eyed her. “You grow up all of a sudden?”

“I guess you could say that.”

“And what’d you learn?”

“I guess I realized that there are consequences. That my actions hurt people, hurt Ghost.”

“Well, good for you.”

“Where is he, Boot?” She searched his eyes.

“You in love with him, honey?”

She took in a breath, not wanting to tell him. That was between her and Ghost. Not anyone else’s business, especially not one of his brothers. But the man seemed determine to put her to the test. Maybe this was all part of seeing if she was good enough for one of his brothers.

“If you must know, yes, I am.”

He studied her, apparently waiting for more.

She huffed out a breath and gave him more.

“He makes me feel secure. I may never completely stop being bratty, but I won’t ever lie to him again. I’m not afraid to let him in anymore, to see all my flaws, mistakes and all. I can’t lose him now.”

Boot reached for his glass.

She frowned.

Was he totally unaffected by her words?

“Please, Boot, tell me where he is so I can tell him that.”

“You’re too late.”