She felt herself literally deflate inside. “What?”

No, she couldn’t be too late.

“They pulled out an hour ago.”

“Pulled out where?”

“Club business.”

“Boot, tell me. Please. If anything happens to him because of me…”

“He went to kill Florida…because Florida is trying to kill you.”

“Oh, dear God, no.” She stared unseeing over his shoulder.

Boot took another drag off his smoke, his eyes forward. “So, maybe his feelings for you are mutual. Nothing says love like a head on a spike.”

She knew he was joking. He had to be, right? He wouldn’t literally… Eww. She grabbed his arm. “He’s not alone, is he?”

Boot turned to look at her then. “Fuck no, darlin’. Got three chapters from two different states with him. And that’s just our guys. Your friends in the DKs are joining in the fun, too.”

She frowned. “Why are you telling me all that?”

He stubbed out his cigarette and turned to look at her. “Maybe I got a feelin’ you’re gonna be an Evil Dead ol’ lady one day. Time to see if you can keep your mouth shut.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“That is, if your man comes back alive.” He grinned and slid her drink towards her. “Here, bottoms up, darlin’. Looks like you could use this.


The men squatted down and observed the house. It was a small ranch style home buried back in the poor section just north of Commonwealth, on the northwest side of Jacksonville. The neighborhood was wooded, and Ghost was sure Florida liked it that way. Kept the noisy neighbors from seeing anything.

“The house is a ratty shithole.” Hammer observed.

“Probably let it go to hell after his ol’ lady died,” Shades ventured a guess.

“How the hell do you know that? This may be the best it’s ever been,” Griz joked.

His brothers chuckled.

“There’s nothing behind it, just more woods and a sludge pond. The DKs got all streets in and out covered. Gulf Coast Chapter has the back covered,” Shades advised them.

“Nearest neighbor is that house half a block down. JJ just went in dressed like a gas company guy. Told ‘em there’s a gas leak in the neighborhood, and that they needed to evacuate. Might be an explosion,” Ghost informed Shades.

“Oh, there’s definitely gonna be an explosion,” Hammer replied with a grin.

“Make sure he ain’t got no dogs. I hate killin’ animals,” Griz grumbled.

“He got any dogs back there?” Shades said into his two-way.

“Nope,” came the crackly reply.

He looked over at Griz. “Happy?”

“What, I like dogs, shoot me.”

“Maybe later.”