Half an hour later they rode down a long dirt road back into the woods. Jessie was so lost she doubted she could find this place again if her life depended on it. He pulled up next to several parked bikes and a couple of pickup trucks. As soon as Blood shut his bike off, she could hear gunshots coming from further back in the woods somewhere.

They climbed off the bike, and she followed him down a dirt path, over a rise and through a thicket, until if finally opened up into a clearing.

There, standing in the dirt, were several men, all with guns raised and firing at targets which consisted mostly of bottles and cans.

As they moved down the line, Jessie spotted several guys with Evil Dead cuts on their backs. Three said Alabama. One said Louisiana.

“I see dumb people,” Blood teased.

“Ha ha ha, Blood. You’re hilarious.”

“Why is she here? I thought she was supposed to be in lock down.”

“What’s the matter, Slick? Afraid she’ll turn out to be a better shot than you?”

“Everybody’s a better shot than Slick,” one of the others teased.

“Go stand down there by the targets, fuckface. Bet you twenty bucks I hit you.”

They all laughed.

“I’ll put twenty on that one. Go on, Gator.”

“Fuck all you guys.”

They laughed harder.

Blood moved to an empty spot at the end next to the other man from his Louisiana Chapter.

“Will you get in trouble for bringing me here?” Jessie asked Blood.

“Suddenly worried about my well being, sweet cheeks?”

“No. And stop calling me that.”

He grinned. “Relax. I do shit like this all the time.”

He pulled a gun out from under his cut.

“Let’s start with the basics.”

“The basics?”

“Ever fire a gun?”

She shook her head.

“Ever hold a gun?”

She shook her head again.

“This is a 9mm. Let’s start with how to load it.” He pressed a button on the side of the handgrip, ejecting the magazine.

“You insert the ammo one at a time, with the rounded side forward until the magazine is full. You re-insert it by pushing upward into the handgrip until you hear a clicking noise indicating the magazine has locked in place.”

He handed her the gun.

“Now, you try it.”