“Heard you were down here raisin’ all kinds of hell. Thought I’d come see for myself.”

“I was pissed off,” she found herself making the lame excuse.

“I’ve known lots of pissed off women. They go shopping and eat ice cream. Ever try that?”

She rattled the handcuff. “Little hard to do Mall therapy when I’m cuffed to a bed.”

His eyes took in the handcuffs as if he were just noticing them. Then the corner of his mouth pulled up. “I see. All stressed out and no one to choke, huh?”

“Something like that.”

“Who cuffed you to the bed?”

“Who do you think? Ghost.”

A barely there smile appeared on his face. “So, you’re sitting here on death row waiting for him to come back, huh?”

She smirked at him. “If I had something, I’d throw it at you.”

“If it’s stress relief you need,” he paused, lifting his chin to the destroyed room, “and judging by the destruction, I’d say you do. Then I’ve got just the thing for that.”

He pushed off the doorframe and moved toward her.

She shrank back. If he was talking about sex, he’d better think again.

He stopped next to the bed, one hand digging in his hip pocket and pulling out a key ring. Then he was unlocking the handcuffs. A moment later she was free and rubbing her wrist.

“Ghost gave you the key?”

“Ghost doesn’t even know I’m here.”

“But you have the key.”

“A handcuff key works on any set.”

“You just happen to have one on your key ring?”



“Comes in handy. More often than you’d think.”

“I’ll bet.”

He chuckled. “Come on, sweet cheeks. Let’s go.”

“Go where?”

“Gun range for a little firearms therapy. Get all that aggression out. Works like a charm.”

That sounded like fun actually, and anything was better than being locked up in this hot room. So she found herself nodding. “Okay.”

She followed him out and through the club. It was deserted, but she did hear someone down a hall. They moved outside into the bright sunshine, and she breathed in the fresh air. It was wonderful after spending hours inhaling the spilled whiskey from the bottle she’d smashed.

Blood threw his leg over his bike. “Climb on.”

She did, and he handed her a helmet, waiting while she strapped it on. Then he fired up the bike, and they roared off.