Dog shook his head with a smirk. “You dumbass.”


“We have to text the guys. We can’t wait any longer,” Angel insisted as they rode the elevator.

“Speak for yourself,” Mary looked over at her with a ‘not-on-your-life’ look. “I’m not telling Dog a thing. How stupid do I look?”

“Come on, Mary. We agreed,” Shannon insisted. “We have to tell them all at once, otherwise they’ll hear it from each other, and it’ll just be that much worse when we get home.”

“You’re joking, right?” Mary gave her an arch look.

“Just get your phone out. If we’re going down for this. At least we’re going down together.”

“Why can’t we just tell them when we get home?” Natalie asked, biting her lip.

“Natalie, are you worried about Mack?” Angel asked with a teasing look.

“Of course not! It’s just, well, we just arrived and I was hoping we’d get at least one day in before we were all ordered home.”

“They can order all they want. We’re here, and they’re there. What can they do about it?” Shannon insisted.

“I wouldn’t underestimate them. The only thing we’ve got going for us is that they don’t know where we are,” Natalie murmured.

“Exactly, so why are we texting them?” Mary whined.

“I just can’t lie to Cole,” Angel insisted. “I have to tell him.”

Mary let out a heavy sigh. “Oh, all right. But don’t say I didn’t warn you if this all blows up in our faces.”

They all pulled their phones out and typed off a text. Then they looked at each other.

“Ready? Set? Send.”

“Five bucks says our phones all go off before the elevator doors open,” Mary insisted, watching the numbers illuminate as they climbed to the eighteenth floor.

“I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we all turn them off, and let’s go get drunk?” Crystal suggested.

“Excellent plan!” Shannon concurred, shutting her phone down and tossing it in her bag.


After hours standing in the hot Nevada sun and smelling the burnt remains of the Pony, the boys had finally finished getting shit in order, loaded up and pulled out.

Twenty minutes later, the six bikes rolled into a gas station to fill up before heading back up to San Jose. They all dismounted.

Wolf pulled the nozzle from the pump, unscrewed his gas cap and shoved the end in the tank, squeezing the handle. His eyes slid to Green where he stood one pump over and had begun rambling on some random topic, like he often had a tendency to do. Leave it to Green to start-in yammering on about something no one gave a shit about. Like his favorite brand of waffles, or why dog’s drool.

“Do you believe in auras?” Green asked.

Wolf gave him a look, which didn’t shut him up, not that it ever had.

“I watched this show about it the other day, and it said the color of someone’s aura reveals what they’re really feeling.”

Before Wolf could respond, Green’s attention was distracted as a car pulled up, and a hot blonde got out. The girl began pumping gas and Green, abandoning his conversation, wandered over to flirt with the woman.

Shaking his head at Green’s totally unsurprising behavior, Wolf turned away to talk to Cole. “So, Jason’s gonna call you with an update tomorrow?”

Cole glanced over. “Yeah. After he meets with the County Sheriff and the District Attorney.”